Meet Jen
Jennifer Knight grew up in Orange, Texas, a small town bordering Louisiana. She is the oldest of three daughters, born to the owners of the local camera store and dance studio. At age 20, she met a Welsh pastor named Sam Knight. Sam had come to town to write his dissertation and had planned to return to the UK at summer’s end.
Jen and Sam got engaged after only four dates. Five months later, they tied the knot. This threw Jen, a relatively new Christian, into the whirlwind of being a pastor’s wife.
Now, over two decades later, they have served together at four churches, lived in three states, and had three amazing children, plus too many pets to count. Jen found a love for writing many years ago and felt a call to use her gift for God.
Her experiences with God inspired her book and the adjoining blog, In 2017, Jen began her battle with Lyme disease. This illness continues to inspire creativity in her writing, new ways to serve God, and new ways to disciple people. The goal of Jen’s writing is to share her experiences, hoping to draw others into a deeper, experiential relationship with Christ.
Where you can find me.
When I am not writing, you can find me knitting, hiking, reading, or spending time with my family, dogs or my horse.
Join my community. Get weekly updates that share links to my blog, books and other items I love, and giveaways.

Scriptures On Healing
This printable is full of scriptures on healing and how to pray them over yourself.
I am asked about healing all the time because of my experience with Lyme Disease. Many of you, experiencing challenges of your own, have given me the honor of praying for you. I wanted to give something back, and this is where the Lord led.

Jesus Died For Our Healing
Jesus not only died on the cross for our salvation but for our healing. Learn about my miraculous healing and what the Bible says about healing.

The Hope Of The Cross
Discover the hope of the cross through Passover. Jesus, our Passover Lamb, secures our eternity, death is defeated, and we are forever free!

What Jesus Accomplished on the Cross: Salvation
Jesus accomplished more than we think when He died for us on the cross. This first week of Lent we look at Salvation. This beautiful gift of grace.

What Does It Mean To Worship?
Unveil mysteries and ignite a fiery passion for worship through studying the Hebrew alphabet. Take a deeper look into what worship, at its core, means.

God Made You With Perfection – Exploring The Tabernacle
What do we and the tabernacle have in common? We are both the place where God dwells. Let’s explore the importance and meaning of the tabernacle.

What Is Atonement?
Atonement, a mysterious word Christians use, but what a beautiful word it is. Let’s look at this word and how it can change your life.

Reflecting God’s Glory
Discover how Moses reflected God’s glory and how you can too. Learn practical ways to spend more time with God.

Doubt, Faith, And The Space Between
Explore the age-old question of why bad things happen to good people. Discover how to find faith and trust in God amidst suffering, doubt, and uncertainty.

The Valley Experience
Discover the beauty of God’s presence when in the valley experience. Learn to find joy and growth in trials.

The Pillar Of Cloud And Fire
Explore the stunning parallels between Exodus and New Testament. Learn how ancient miracles point to Jesus’ salvation and the Holy Spirit’s enduring presence.

Prophecy, Freedom, And Redemption
The book of Exodus runs much deeper than the Israelites getting rescued from Egypt. Exodus gives us pictures of prophecy, freedom, and redemption. #prophecy #redemption

Why Did The Plagues Of Egypt Happen?
Why did the plagues of Egypt happen? Let’s explore the reasons God brought ten plagues in Egypt and how He drew His people closer to Himself.

What Does The Staff Of Moses Represent – Part 2
What Does The Staff Of Moses Represent? Find out how the imagery of Moses’ staff reminds us of God’s power, His comfort, and His authority over the enemy.

What Does The Staff Of Moses Represent?
What Does The Staff Of Moses Represent? Find out how the imagery of Moses’ staff reminds us of God’s power, His comfort, and His authority over the enemy.

When Our Identity Is Taken Away
There are times in our life when our identity is taken away. We go through grief and other emotional struggles to try to regain some since of self. But Jesus…

Identity In Christ
Discover the journey from losing identity to finding freedom in Christ through finding our identity in Christ.

Unwavering Love
Discover the power of unwavering love and protection in this inspiring post, exploring the bravery of Secret Service agents and Jesus’ selfless sacrifice.

Our Need For A Savior
Studying Genesis shows us our humanity and our need for a Savior. Genesis then directs us to Exodus, where the story of redemption begins to unveil.

Sitting At Jesus’ Feet
Do you long to sit at Jesus’ feet? I do. We may not get to physically sit at the feet of Jesus, but He does give opportunities for us to have this same intimacy.

Fire From Heaven
Rediscover faith through the biblical story of Elijah, when fire from Heaven falls. Learn the power of repentance and sharing your testimony.

Revival Fire Fall
Explore the profound meaning of revival in Scripture through Acts 2. Explore how the Holy Spirit’s power at Pentecost brings transformation and renewal.

Stepping Out In Faith
Sometimes God calls us to do things we don’t want to do. But when we begin stepping out in faith, God can do amazing things, maybe even ignite revival.

Seeking Revival
All revivals have begun with repentance. Learn how Judah’s youngest king heard God’s Word, repented, and brought the nation of Judah back to God.

Unlocking Revival
What is revival, and how can we experience it in our own lives? Let’s look at the book of Nehemiah and see what God used to bring His people back to Himself.

What Does It Mean To Worship?
Unveil mysteries and ignite a fiery passion for worship through studying the Hebrew alphabet. Take a deeper look into what worship, at its core, means.

God Made You With Perfection – Exploring The Tabernacle
What do we and the tabernacle have in common? We are both the place where God dwells. Let’s explore the importance and meaning of the tabernacle.

Sarah Laughed
Some of my best memories with my dad involve laughter. However, Sarah laughed because she doubted. Yet, her faith led her to having a son in her old age.

He Who Sees
God reaches us in our darkest places. He sees us even when we are not seeking Him. But He also gives the gift of allowing us to see into the spiritual realm.

What Does It Mean To Be Blessed?
With overused phrases like “Bless Your Heart” and “I’m So Blessed” we miss the depth of what it means to be blessed by God.

The Valley Of Dry Bones
Just like the valley of dry bones came to life and turned into a great army, it is time for us to rise up for the One who gave it all.

His Mercies Are New Every Morning
When we walk through our darkest trials, like Jeremiah, when Jerusalem fell, we can have hope of knowing His mercies are new every morning.

Visions From God
Many prophets had visions from God. Drawing close by listening, hearing and seeing in visions can develop and intimate relationship with Him.

Prayer And Worship
In times of struggle, I have found it hard to worship. Going back to the basics takes us to the heart of God and sets us free.

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord?
In the old testament, we read of encounters with The Angel of the Lord. Who is this? Let’s explore these interactions and see who you think this is.

Why Have You Forsaken Me?
God is never far away. Even when we don’t understand the struggle we face, He is close and hears our prayers.

The Name Of God, Yahweh
God gives us His name for the first time in Exodus three. What does it mean, and how does God use it to draw us closer?

Love Letters From The Heart Of God
A Journey through the Hebrew Alphabet. See how each letter unveils mysteries of God, and reveals the relationship He desires to have with each of us.

Good Gifts
The Lord seeks us and gives us good gifts to be used to further His kingdom.

His Dwelling Place
As we seek to know more about God, we find many hidden treasures along the way. The Bet invites us into His dwelling place where we find these treasures.

God desires unity with each one of us. Jesus bridged the gap between God and humanity. Through Christ’s death on the cross, we receive unity with God.

Repetitious Transformation
Continuously reading the Word, prayer and listening, transforms us into His image. This sets our hearts on fire and lights the dark around us.

Following The Holy Spirit
What does it look like to live following the Spirit? What does it mean to be poor in spirit? This is what the Resh of the Hebrew Alphabet teaches us.

Experiencing His holiness and understanding the power of who He is and what He has done for us, leaves us with the indescribable need to worship.

Divine Intervention
God cares so much for each of us that He reaches down from Heaven to save us. Through dreams and visions, He reveals Himself to many who have never heard of Him.

Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
What does it mean to be baptized by the Holy Spirit? I share my experience of the spark that had to be ignited into this life-changing experience.

Experiencing The Miraculous
Have you experienced a miracle? Have you experienced protection and was not sure how it happened? God is always working in mysterious ways on our behalf.

Banner Of Victory
It is the moments of despair where God can do His best work. He brings us out of the mud a mire to a place where we can wave the banner of victory.

Diving Into The Deep
Diving into the water of God’s wisdom allows us to draw closer to Him. As we mature, the more He reveals to us of His knowledge and mysteries unfold.

Finding Jesus
Finding Jesus, the hope of salvation, in the middle of an ancient text. See what this letter of the Hebrew alphabet teaches us about worship and our King.

Filled With The Holy Spirit
The Kaph teaches us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. God desires to refill an examined and purified heart with the things of Heaven.

Look Heavenward
The yod is tiny and reminds us we are never too small to be used by God. God uses the humble and unqualified so we will be more reliant on Him throughout whatever He asks us to do.

A Good Place
The Teth in the Hebrew alphabet tells us to look inward, self-examine, cleanse our hearts of what is not of God and let the Holy Spirit pour into us.

New Beginnings
Jesus makes all things new. The 8th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, the cheth, teaches of new beginnings. I share my new beginnings after Lyme Disease.

An Invitation To Rest
It’s time to set aside the business of this world and accept His invitation and rest in Him. The 7th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet teaches us to rest.

Connecting Heaven And Earth
Do you have a place where you feel more connected with God? The next letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the Vav, shows us this special divine connection we have with the Creator.

Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open
Live in the freedom that only Christ can offer. Learn more, as we study the Hebrew letter Hei and how it represents drawing us closer to God.

Divine Invitation
The Hebrew letter, the Daleth, invites us to enter the spiritual realm. Allow God to speak to your heart as you learn about the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet.

Praise And Worship
Looking at the core meaning of Hallelujah and how it can change the way we worship.

What Does It Mean To Worship?
Unveil mysteries and ignite a fiery passion for worship through studying the Hebrew alphabet. Take a deeper look into what worship, at its core, means.

Jesus, Our Ransom
Jesus paid it all when He became our ransom. God has challenged me lately on how far am I willing to go for Him?

Honoring God With My Body
Honoring God With My Body reignited something within me that had been lost for over five years. She inspires you to want more for your body.

Follow God’s Will
Brittany Ann leads you into discovering and following God’s will through spiritual practices like prayer, serving, and spiritual disciplines.

Eternity Now
Thematically ordered, The Eternity Now – New Testament Series, brings the Bible to life in a fresh way in the New English Translation.

5 Ways To Share The Love Of Jesus
Sometimes God speaks in mysterious ways and sometimes He may ask us to do something out of the ordinary. How far are we willing to go for Jesus?

When Mountains Crumble
Danita’s story of loss began when the mountain crumbled beneath her husband. “When Mountains Crumble” offers hope, healing, and freedom for the grieving heart.

The Most Misunderstood Women Of The Bible
The book provides encouragement and hope for a better tomorrow. Mary, through biblical teaching, gives light to the end of a dark tunnel.

Coming Home – Psalm 84
Coming home to the heart of God. Every day, God invites us to find strength, refuge, and restoration under His wings.

I Love You, Mom
Book Review – A book of hope for moms and daughters.

God Lense
What do our surroundings look like when we look through a God lense? What will God show us when we allow Him to show us what He wants us to see?

Jesus Filters
A way of protecting our mind from the lies of the enemy. Learn to hear the still small voice of God. Find out more about the book, Stop Living Small.

Praise And Worship
Looking at the core meaning of Hallelujah and how it can change the way we worship.

Jesus Died For Our Healing
Jesus not only died on the cross for our salvation but for our healing. Learn about my miraculous healing and what the Bible says about healing.

Faith And Healing
My journey of learning to trust in the miraculous healing Jesus has done in my life. Here I share how faith and healing coincide and trusting God in it all.

You Are Not Forgotten: Finding Hope In The One Who Has Our Name Etched On His Hand
Discover the comforting truth that you are not forgotten. God has our names etched on God’s hands. Let’s look at a journey of healing, faith, and hope.

Suffering Leads To Hope
Find hope and encouragement through grief and loss. Read about my journey of suffering, which has led to faith, resilience, and strength in God.

Jesus, Our Healer
Many of the names of Jesus are special to me, but Healer or the Great Physician is one that rings true in my heart.

Raining Tears
I want to share an incredible experience with you. During prayer, I experienced raining tears that felt cleansing over my body.

Reaching Out For Jesus
What can you do when doctors don’t have answers? Jesus is the only one who has the power to heal the incurable.

Jesus Heals The Leper
God knows our deepest needs. When we ask, He reaches out and meets those aching parts of our hearts. What need do you want God to touch?

Jeremiah In The Cistern
Jeremiah found himself imprisoned in a cistern and we find ourselves in struggles that can feel just as scary, but in everything, God is with us.

Love, Healing, And Deliverance
The book of Isaiah is rich with words of love, healing, and deliverance. It teaches us of the freedom Christ desires for us through Him.

Is It Ok To Ask God Why?
When trials come, is it ok to ask God why? Desperation will bring you to places you never thought you would go, but God…

Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen To Good People?
One of the most asked questions, “Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?” The story of Job gives us insight into this question.

Crying Out To God
God takes our cries and turns it into shouts of joy. Through Jesus, we experience healing, eternity, and power over the enemy.

Where Does My Help Come From? A Look At Psalm 121
The Maker of Heaven and Earth helps us when life does not go as planned. He helps to keep us from slipping and protects us from harm.

Why Have You Forsaken Me?
God is never far away. Even when we don’t understand the struggle we face, He is close and hears our prayers.

New Beginnings
Jesus makes all things new. The 8th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, the cheth, teaches of new beginnings. I share my new beginnings after Lyme Disease.

My Story Of Healing
Hallelujah For The Cross. My story of healing of Babesia. I am so thankful that “By His wounds, we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

Where Can I Find Hope?
If I believe in the cross for salvation, then I can trust in the hope of the cross for healing. – Finding Hope With Chronic Lyme Disease.