Have you always wanted to read the Bible from cover to cover?

Join me on a journey through the scriptures. The Bible In A Year” is your guided pathway to not just read, but truly comprehend and appreciate the profound messages within the scriptures.

The Bible In A Year

What You’ll Get In “The Bible In A Year” Course:

Comprehensive Reading Plan:

  • Structured Approach: A meticulously designed reading schedule that covers the entire Bible in one year.
  • Flexible Learning: Whether you have fifteen minutes a day or an hour, this plan adapts to your pace. You can complete the Bible in a year or take as long as you need.

Engaging Video Lessons:

  • Interactive Format: Each video lesson is designed to complement the readings, and to deepen your understanding.

In-Depth Analysis:

  • Cultural Context: Understand the historical and cultural backdrop of the Biblical times.
  • Thematic Exploration: Dive into the themes, symbols, and teachings that make the Bible a timeless guide.


Jennifer Thayer Knight

Meet Your Teacher

Welcome! I’m Jennifer Knight, and my journey with faith has been a lifelong adventure. My personal encounter with Jesus 27 years ago marked a significant turning point. Since that day, I’ve dedicated myself to a deeper exploration of faith through prayer, immersing myself in the wisdom of the Bible, and embracing the spirit of the Great Commission (to go and make disciples of all nations). My aim is to inspire and nurture others on their spiritual paths. Join me as we share experiences, grow together, and uplift each other in our shared journey of faith. Let’s flourish together in our quest to fall more in love with Jesus.

Get Access In Two Ways

Get The Bible In A Year

This includes everything mentioned above.

Get Access To Everything

This includes everything mentioned above.

PLUS: All other studies I have taught. You will also get guided prayers, moments of encouragement, and an invitation to our community. Here, you can ask questions and meet others in the community.

Learn more here.