Do you wish you had more scripture memorized so you could have it right when you need it?

scripture memorization
Scripture Memorization Made Easy

Have you wanted to memorize scripture, but not sure the best way to do it?

Here is an easy-to-use scripture memorization tool.

Why is scripture memorization so important?

Draws us closer to God. (1 Samuel 3:21)
Memorizing scripture helps us recall it when we need it most.
We are told to put on the armor of God, and the Word is both the ‘belt of truth’ and the ‘sword of the spirit’. (Ephesians 6:13-17)
It helps us in prayer to pray scripture. (Matthew 4:1-11)
It helps us to overcome the enemy. (Ephesians 6:13-17)

How It Works

You will get 5 different scriptures of encouragement.
You will download them and save them as wallpaper on your phone.
Each scripture is broken down into several segments.
Learn a single segment and then add the next image with more of the scripture.
Keep doing this until you have memorized the entire scripture.
This collection comprises 5 shorter scriptures to get you started.
You will also get detailed instructions with your download.

This pack of encouraging scriptures includes:

  • Psalm 28:7 NIV
  • Psalm 118:14 NIV
  • Romans 12:12 NIV
  • 1 Peter 5:10 NIV
  • Hebrews 10:23 NIV
  • Please note: All images were created for the iPhone. The directions are for the iPhone only. You can use the images on Android phones, but specific instructions (upon purchase) are not yet available for these phones. For Android users you will need to know how to download a ZIP file of images, save them to your phone, and set them as wallpaper.