Can We Break God’s Heart?

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Have you ever wondered if we can break God’s heart? Does God have humanlike feelings? Have you done something and felt shame because you knew it went against God’s will for you? Or have you experienced rejection for yourself and know how bad it hurts and would never want to do that to anyone else?
I am so grateful I have never had to hear the words; “I want a divorce”, “I have met someone new”, or “I had an affair”. These words would be too much for my heart to bear. I have had several friends that have heard words just like this and my heart breaks for them as I watched their journeys.
However, I have received rejection from people I would consider some of my dearest friends. People whose words cut almost as deep as a spouse’s would. Blindsided by a fellow believer and friend, it left me feeling hurt and unable to trust and let others close for a long time.
God used each of His prophets in different ways. Isaiah approached prophecy from a legal standpoint. Most of his prophecies came across as judgement. Isaiah would share the warnings from God, and what would happen if they did not heed the warning. “If you continue to sin, I will send you into exile.” Jeremiah wept for the sins of the people. He shared how the sin of the people grieved God. Ezekiel put on what appeared to be street shows to reveal his prophecies. Daniel shared interpretations of dreams with kings.
Now we arrive at Hosea, who most likely had the hardest job emotionally. God wanted Hosea to marry Gomer, a prostitute, so Hosea would know how much rejection hurt. God wanted Hosea to physically feel the pain of rejection and have a glimpse into how much God’s heart hurt for His people.
Can We Break God’s Heart?
I raise the question, can we break God’s heart? On one side, we could say God knows everything, and knew how His people would respond, so was ready and prepared for their actions. On the other side, I like to think we serve a God with much greater depth and love towards us.
From the very beginning, God wanted a relationship with us. He would walk in the garden, during the cool of the day, with Adam and Eve. After they ate from the tree, He knew they had sinned, but still called out for them.
“Then the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’”
Genesis 3:9 NLT
We also read that God created us in His image (Genesis 1:27). Some would say this meant in looks, but I believe we resemble Him in many ways, including emotions. I also look to Jesus, God in human form, and see Jesus experienced every emotion we experience. Now we look to the first of the minor prophets and see God wanting Hosea to experience the rejection He feels.
His Chosen People
Throughout the old testament, we read of God referring to His chosen people as His children, as His son, as His wife and here in Hosea we read of Israel as the adulterous woman. This book truly gives us a glimpse into the heart of God and how the sins of His people broke His heart.
In the fourteen chapters of Hosea, we read over and over of the rejection of Israel and the hurt it caused to God, followed by the consequences God put in place. Here is just one of many examples.
“The Lord says, “O Israel, when I first found you, it was like finding fresh grapes in the desert. When I saw your ancestors, it was like seeing the first ripe figs of the season. But then they deserted me for Baal-peor, giving themselves to that shameful idol. Soon they became vile, as vile as the god they worshiped.”
“The glory of Israel will fly away like a bird, for your children will not be born
or grow in the womb or even be conceived. Even if you do have children who grow up, I will take them from you. It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone.”
Hosea 9:10-12 NLT
Worshiping False Gods
Most of us would not like to think that we could break God’s heart, yet over and over we read of all the ways Israel broke His heart. I know I am guilty. Though I don’t involve myself in many of the ways Israel hurt God, I am guilty of worshipping false gods. I don’t do it intentionally, but I let other things get between me and my relationship with Him.
Raise your hand if you have got sucked into the endless scrolling on your phone? Do you get caught up in work? I do. Then wonder why I don’t have time to pray or read my Bible. It is so easy to let time get away from us and lose track of my priorities. Even doing “good” things can distract us from spending time with just Him.
Where Are You?
When we let a little sin creep in, that does not even feel like sin, we get on that slippery slope. Many times I just imagine God, like He did with Adam and Eve, calling out to me, where are you?
God wants all of us. He wants our whole heart. When we stray to other things other than Him, I think it grieves Him. But… I don’t want this to hinder our relationship with God, in fear that would could hurt Him, but to draw us closer.
He Wants To See Us Flourish
No other religion on earth has a God that wants to have a relationship with His people. God wants us for Himself, to draw close, to share our thoughts and concerns. He wants to answer our prayers and see us flourish. I love how in the scripture from Hosea I shared that God saw His people and they were like finding grapes in the desert.
No other religion on earth has a God that wants to have a relationship with His people. God wants us for Himself, to draw close, to share our thoughts and concerns. He wants to answer our prayers and see us flourish. Share on XDo you believe when God looks at you, He rejoices? I believe He does. I know He looks at each one of you and smiles. He would not have sent His one and only Son to die for you if He didn’t.
Let’s Pray
Lord, thank you so much that you love each one of us in beautiful and unique ways. Let us not fall into the things that would break your heart but draw us closer so that we would always look like the refreshing grapes in the desert to you. Guide us and direct our path directly to you. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

Like you, I believe God gifted us with the same emotions He feels, love, joy, sorrow, grief, etc. I believe God grieves when we sin and separate ourselves from Him. I have grieved God, I’m sure. We are so blessed that He continues to love us and is always willing to offer forgiveness and mercy when we turn back to Him.
We break God’s heart more than we realize. Wonderful message. Thanks and God bless.
Hmmm, your message has me thinking. I believe we can grieve the Lord’s heart for sure and I believe I sometimes do. But, I also seek His forgiveness and I think that pleases Him. Great message to ponder.
I think because God is love it means He can be grieved. Loving someone is risky because we put our hearts out there not knowing what someone else will do. Of course, God knows what we will do and He loves us anyway. That shows us more about His loving character that He is willing to put it all out there–that is for Jesus to die for sinful man–even though He knows not everyone will accept Him.
Lately I’ve been thinking about the emotions of God too, Jen. Thank you for reminding how we wander from whole-hearted devotion to God, who’s more than worthy of our whole heart.