Connecting Heaven And Earth
Sensing His Presence
Have you ever gone some place where you felt more in tune with God? Living in Montana provides a constant reminder of God’s workmanship in the beauty of His creation. We have lived here six years and I still look around in awe. I love hiking because it often feels like connecting Heaven and Earth. The awareness of who He is as Creator is so strong. I know He is with us everywhere, but there are those moments that touch your senses a little more than others. Experiences that enable you to go into those spiritual places and have a divine connection with the Lord.
I have heard many of you say that you sense His presence when you work in your garden, or when going to the beach, or to church. When I lived in Houston, there was one spot on the trail I ran on that made me feel more connected. There was not much beauty in this area. In fact, it was a concrete culvert on the bayou, but there was something about the way the wind blew on that specific corner that always gave an awareness of the Lord.
Divine Connection
This leads us to the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the Vav ו. Scholars describe this sixth letter as a hook. It represents a divine connection of humanity to Heaven. In the different places I have researched, I have seen it depicted as a chute which joins a higher level to a lower level. Sometimes it’s interpreted as connecting the spiritual to the physical. Other scholars say it binds the Creator with His creation. With either interpretation, it is a representation of the connection we have with the God. I am astounded when I think about God, and that He desires to have a personal relationship with me. He wants that open line of communication.
In old testament stories, we learn of only a select number of people that had this type of relationship with the Lord. In the new testament we see this change when Jesus died for us, opening the doorway, for all to have that direct access to God. No matter what we feel like, if we are feeling joyful or shameful, we can come before Him. Because of the blood of Jesus, God sees us as redeemed.
When I consider ways we can connect, I first think of prayer. In our prayer time, we are inviting God in. Remember, prayer is a two-way conversation. In our coming before the Lord, we open that connection for Him to speak to us. We are giving the Almighty a chance to answer our prayers. I love in scripture where it reminds us to say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”
“So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.” ~1 Samuel 3:9 NLT
Spiritual Gifts
In thinking of this connection, I am also reminded of the spiritual gifts. God gives us precious gifts to use in order to bring glory back to Him. Some of you have the gift of hospitality. You make guests feel incredibly welcome when they come into your home. Others of you have the gift to teach. Some of you have the gift of healing. The Lord uses you in powerful ways to lay hands on His children. No matter which gifts you have, remember, they are all important and God needs each of them to draw His people closer to Himself.
Chaim Bentorah warns in his book, Hebrew Word Study, Beyond the Lexicon, not to imitate others and their gifts. He says, “God does not have a set list of ways to manifest Himself in our lives, He may duplicate some experiences but still He created each of us unique and different so He can reveal Himself in one of His many infinite ways of revelation. Our problem is that we live in the six directions of the natural world which has limits and therefore we can only think in terms of God who has limits in His ability to reveal Himself and manifest Himself. Yet, when the Vav ו connects us to Heaven, in the connection we can experience the seventh direction which taps us into the infinite and thus we can experience God and a manifestation of God like no other on Earth that is living, has lived or will live. The Vav ו reminds us we are unique in God, one has ever existed like us.”
God is so incredible. When you think of how many people have walked this earth and each one of us is extraordinary and has a distinct set of gifts. The creator designed you for a specific purpose. Never lose sight of the calling He has placed on your life.
The Great Commission
Last, I want to challenge you on a different aspect of the Vav ו, and the divine connection it illustrates between each of us. In the same way it connects vertically, it can also connect horizontally. It reminds us to care for one another, to “Love your neighbor.” Taking this letter and what it represents into the new testament it reminds me of the great commission.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” ~Matthew 28:19 NLT
This is the great commission, a command for all of us. If we are in Christ, we are ALL called to make disciples. This is sharing the love of Jesus with those around you. While also investing time in them for them to pay it forward. I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and share the love of Jesus with someone.
Thank you for sharing…

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