Follow God’s Will

I love book launches. When I receive an offer to partake in a launch, I get excited. Before I accept the offer, I look at the book and see if it is something I want to promote. I ask myself, does it align with my beliefs, and will my readers love the book as much as me?
When I read this book would touch on hearing God’s voice, understanding His Word, and determining His will for my life, I was all over it. I received a free copy of the book to read and give a truthful review. Are you ready? I think you will quickly see I loved this book.
Do You Ever Wonder…
Do you ever wonder what God wants for you, or what your purpose is? Have you ever wondered what you should do in the difficult situations you face? Or have you thought, how would God want me to respond right now? Brittany Ann’s book, “Follow God’s Will: Biblical Guidelines For Every Life” gives practical ways to hear and seek God’s leading. With so many controversial topics facing us today and challenging our faith, this book acts as a guide through these tough areas.
Brittany Ann leads you into discovering and following God’s will through spiritual practices like prayer, serving, and spiritual disciplines. She also gives advice on sharing your faith and standing up against sin. I have been a follower of Jesus for many years and found this book to bring me back to the heart of Jesus and to seek Him more intimately.
"Follow God's Will" – I have been a follower of Jesus for many years and found this book to bring me back to the heart of Jesus and to seek Him more intimately. Share on XReading The Bible
Many of you know I have been leading a group through the Bible this year. In “Follow God’s Will,” Brittany gives a beautiful seven-step process for understanding God’s Word. I have taken her steps and applied them to my reading and have felt myself going even deeper into the Scriptures.
Going Deeper
Each section of the book has a list of scriptures and questions to help you study the Word and seek God’s guidance for you. You can use these questions and scriptures for personal exploration, or read it with a friend or small group and challenge and pray for one another.
Brittany Ann includes personal testimonies that will inspire as well as stories from others that offer suggestions and ways you can incorporate some of her suggestions in your own walk with God.
“Follow God’s Will” has challenged me to look at my relationships, look at where I spend my time, and seek God for what He wants my focus to be on. Ready to get your copy? You can use the button to find it on Amazon. She also has a workbook available to go along with it. Thank you for taking the time to check it out.
Thank you so much for sharing about my book! So glad you enjoyed it! 🙂