He Who Sees

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I Heard The Audible Voice Of God
Darkness enveloped the room. I knew I should not be there. My brain was trying to override my heart, but fear of loneliness propelled me. Amid my sin, I heard the audible voice of God. It was not sweet and enduring. The words were powerful and direct. These words were the only thing that could have stopped me. He who sees said, “Stop now! Or regret this moment forever.”
I think my heart stopped for a moment and I tried to determine if what I heard was real. Before I had time to overthink it, I grabbed my belongings and ran out the door.
Warm tears of shame rolled down my cheeks as I had to face what I had just done. I drove home that hot and dreary July evening knowing God had seen me in my sin, but He had stopped me. I felt filthy, yet protected, all at the same time. It was the first time I understood God knew me. Amongst the billions of people on Earth, He saw me and had my best interest in mind.
"It was the first time I understood God knew me. Amongst the billions of people on Earth, He saw me and had my best interest in mind." Share on XFrom Darkness Into The Light
God brought what I did in the dark into the light. This is one meaning of the Ayin ע. When we do things in secrecy, or in the dark, God will reveal them. It may be publicly or privately, but it will come out. I know that if I had not heeded the warning, my life would look very different today. I actually met Sam (my husband) the following day, and we had our first date. Four days later, he asked me to marry him. I do not believe I could share this story 26 years later had I not listened to God’s voice.
The Ayin
The Ayin ע, as written in modern Hebrew it looks like a Y. In ancient Hebrew, it looks more like googly eyes on top of the Y. The ancient way of writing it made me think of the movie Monsters Inc. You know the monsters that have the long eyes sticking up off their heads?
The Ayin ע, with tall eyes, represents vision and bringing what is in the dark out into the light. The letter also means watchfulness, God watching over us, to see beyond, and obedience. It is one of two letters that makes no sound and has the value of 70. The two eyes represented by the Ayin ע portray good and evil.
In Genesis 16 we read the story of Hagar who is caught up in Abram and Sarai’s family drama. After getting pregnant from Abram and treated badly by Sarai she runs away towards her homeland of Egypt. On the way as she was stopped by a spring the Angel of the Lord came and spoke with her. He prophesied over her and sent her back. Here she names God El Roi, the God who sees.
Even when we are far off from God, He sees us. He comes to us in our darkest hours, even when we do not call on Him. He loves us unconditionally and comes to us when we need Him most. He comes when we don’t even know we need Him, but He comes with arms open ready to pick us up, dust us off and push us into the direction we need to go.
Seeing Beyond The Natural
In the same was God sees us, He allows us to see into His realm, the spiritual realm. A seer is a person who can see beyond the natural. We can only do this through the power of the Holy Spirit. Prophets are also called seers. The only difference is that a prophet heard the words from God and the seer sees it. Best of all these gifts are still available to us today.
As I mentioned in a previous post, Mike Endicott has the gift of healing. He has seen hundreds, if not thousands, of people miraculously healed. However, God has never healed his blindness. Losing his sight set him off on the journey to learn about divine healing, yet he has never experienced healing himself.
Seeing In The Spirit
I once asked him if this bothers him. I loved his response. He said he quit asking for healing because of all God showed him through his blindness. He believes if he can see in the natural, he might miss what is in the supernatural. Mike cannot make judgments based on the sight of a person who comes for healing. He has to trust what the Lord shows him. In what he sees in the spirit, he knows exactly how to pray for a person.
The thought of seeing into the beyond I know scares many people, but has really intrigued me lately. I want to be like Mike and be able to pray more accurately because of what the Lord shows me. I know of some people who can see pictures and that helps them know how to pray. My daughter and I have both had dreams that came to pass. God is on the move and revealing things to us. Are we watching and paying attention?
"God is on the move and revealing things to us. Are we watching and paying attention?" Share on XSpiritual Gifts vs. The Counterfeit
I believe this gift is still very much available to us today. Let’s look back at the Ayin ע and how I mentioned it originally looked like it had two eyes. The two eyes represent good and evil. Just like with all the gifts, there are counterfeits from the enemy. God created prophets, and the enemy brought up psychics or fortune tellers. With all gifts, we have to pray for discernment to know exactly where it came from. If it comes from God, it will always build up the kingdom. John gives us a warning to know what is true.
“I am writing these things to warn you about those who want to lead you astray. But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true. It is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.”
~1 John 2:26-27 NLT
If you have dreams, or see things you think are prophetic or God is showing you something, ask Him to confirm it. Ask Him that if it is from Him to increase it, but if it is from the enemy to make them vanish completely. If we begin looking and asking to see, I know God will start showing. God wants to give us direction and have us pray for one another better. Ask Him to allow you to see what He wants you to see.
I also want to encourage you today if you are feeling lost and scared like Hagar. He wants the very best for you and He sees you in all circumstances. Keep reaching out for Him and He will reveal Himself to you in ways you probably can’t even imagine.
Learn more about the other Hebrew letters here.
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Loved this!!! So powerful
Thank you, Megan.
An inspiring reminder that we are never alone–He is with us. Thank you, Jen.