Just Ask – Asking God To Speak

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Have you ever heard God speak? My passion is helping people hear the voice of God. Those who have not heard His voice long for it and those who have heard His voice want to hear from Him more. There is a special connection that takes root when we hear His still, small voice.
Just Ask
I have worked on a book about God speaking to us for years. As I sat praying, getting serious about finishing it, I felt the Lord say to me I needed to reread the Bible. I needed to look again at all the different ways He spoke. Reading through the Bible this year in the “Reflecting The Son” series (read more about that here) I have marked every place where I come across God speaking.
I then look at see what preceded the interaction and what resulted from Him speaking. God speaks and shows up in more ways than we can even fathom. He speaks through burning bushes, through donkeys, and even calling out to us when we do not expect it. What I found most astonishing was the simplest way of all. Just ask.
Asking God To Speak
In the “Reflecting The Son” series, we are in the book of 2 Samuel. In chapter 2, we read of David asking God, “Shall I go up to the towns of Judah?” Saul had just died and David was no longer on the run. He knew he could return to his home, but inquired with God before he went. God replies, “Go up.” Before going, David asks, “Where shall I go?” Again God replies, “To Hebron.” David did not go without asking God first where he was to go and if the timing was right.
Asking God to speak, or for guidance, had never been on my radar until I met my husband, Sam. I would pray for people or for certain situations, but never for where to go or what to do. When we looked at moving from the church parsonage to our own home, we began looking with an agent. There were lots of beautiful homes we liked, but I was uncertain of which to choose.
Sam asked me which one I felt the Lord was leading us to. This question felt foreign to me. I had not thought of asking God for His guidance. Sam said we needed to pray about it and God would show us. So we did, and we got a house we called home for five years.
Then, through a series of events, we felt the call to move and through more prayer, God led us to Orlando for six years, to Houston for three years, and now we have been in Montana for seven years. Staying in tune with God and where He wants us to live now seems easy, but what about the smaller things?
Ask God To Speak Often
I mentioned in the post, Priority, that author Kim Meeder asks God about everything and what an amazing example she is of this. When we pray for where we should work, who we should visit, who God might want us to call, or even to where we should shop, God just might direct us in a direction we had not planned and let us take part in His powerful plan.
But how do we do this? God has never shown up as a burning bush to me, but He has placed a thought in my head that I knew was not my own. My horse has never spoken to me, (however, he sure can tell me if he is hungry) but I have had dreams that were so profound that I knew God was leading me to something new. I have mentioned before the first place I ever heard God speak was while ironing. Doing the mundane tasks of life is when I am quiet and often praying.
Prayer is a two-way conversation, but all too often, we make it more about telling or asking than listening. When we pray and then listen, more often than not, we get a response. Most of the time we just don’t ask, or we over think the answer till we convince ourselves it was not God. When reading through 2 Samuel, the scriptures of David seeking guidance were such a great reminder that all I have to do is ask.
In 2 Samuel 5, we read of David inquiring again. The Philistines were about to attack, and David asks God what to do. God replies with a very specific plan, “Do not go straight up, but circle around behind them and attack them in front of the poplar trees.” That is pretty specific instruction, and David’s army won the battle.
A Miraculous Work
When we ask, and God is on our side, leading every step of the way, He can and will do miraculous work in and through us. We just have to ask.
When we ask, and God is on our side, leading every step of the way, He can and will do miraculous work in and through us. We just have to ask. – Jennifer Thayer Knight Share on XOne example of this… Three years ago I was overcoming Lyme Disease and knew I was ready to go back to work. I told God if He wanted me to go to work to please provide a job where I would miss nothing of my son’s senior year of high school. He was in a band and had concerts, and I did not want to miss any of them. No kidding, that afternoon my son came home and told me about a job in the music department of his school. Not only did I not miss anything of his senior year (except the entire second part because of a pandemic), but I got to see him all day at school (he was in four music classes). I treasured getting to see him without embarrassing him, of course.
Before starting the job, I asked God for a greater purpose than just working. I needed to know I was there for Him. The first day this sophomore girl walked into the music office and God clearly said to me, “She is why you are here.” She and I clicked and I don’t know if my being there has helped her, but I see her struggles and I pray for her often.
A Greater Purpose
I thank God all the time that everything He has us do can have a greater purpose. Wherever you work, wherever you go out to eat or have coffee, wherever you shop, treat it as the mission field God intends it to be. He wants to use you in mighty ways. All we need to do is just ask. Ask for direction and He will give it.
How have you experienced God speak to you? How has He used you at work or to reach the person who walks by you each day? I love hearing your stories. Our stories and testimonies build each other up and encourage us to step out in faith. Share your story in the comments.
The first time I felt God speak to me (in my head–not through a burning bush), I was in a very low point in my life. My marriage was failing and I was far from God’s will. A neighbor (a stranger I hadn’t met) invited me to a Bible study. As I opened my mouth to politely decline, I heard a voice in my head clearly say “You need to do this.” I said yes. That Bible study led me to submission, saved my marriage, and brought me close to Jesus. I was a new woman in Christ. God has guided me since, but never so clearly. I’m so thankful for His grace.
Katherine, that is an incredible story. Thank you so much for sharing.
God is so good. He speaks to my heart through His Word and in the quite moments of prayer.
Erin, That is how I hear from Him most as well.
God’s Word is my primary source of communication with God, but I often feel a spirit to Spirit connection that moves me. One of my favorite things to ask for is encouragement.
Annie, me too. The first verse I ever had someone call and say that they felt the Lord asked them to share with me was Hab 3:19. At that point in time I had never heard of Habakkuk. The scripture is, “He make my feet like the feet of a deer. He enables me to go on the heights.” I have held tight to that scripture every time I need encouragement.
Thank you for reminding us that God loves to talk to us, My best way to listen is to read His Word. It never fails He gives me a thought, encouragement, or counsel through passages and verses. I love it when during the day, I even hear the same thing twice in different ways.
Marilyn, I love that too. If we pay attention God often gives us confirmation. He is so awesome.
Jen, this is simple and deep at the same time. It’s true. We have but to ask, and then follow God’s leading. Love the examples of how this works in your life.
Thank you, Candyce.
Thanks for the reminder to not just ask, but also to listen. I too often have one-sided conversations with God because I am not listening.
Joanna, I am thankful He sometimes speaks a little louder in the times I am not listening so well.