Lead Us Not Into Temptation

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Challenging My Faith
This week I attended the funeral for my thirty-four-year-old friend who lost his battle with Melanoma. These last few months have challenged my thinking and my faith. Dealing with losing my friend to cancer, fighting my battle with Lyme Disease, and another friend who is missing has all rocked my faith to its core.
The Jesus I am reading about could just say, “Get up” and my friend would be back. He could say, “Your faith has healed you,” and Lyme Disease would disappear. He could give visions to show where my lost friend is and bring her home, but none of this has happened.
Does Satan Chat With God?
Reading through the Bible this year, I have had a few more glimpses into similar scriptures and what became of the characters who faced the trials. When we got to the book of Job, we read in Job 1:8 that Satan entered the courts of Heaven and God asked him if he had considered Job.
This scripture gives most people pause and opens the door to many more questions. Does Satan really have access to God? Do God and Satan discuss things regularly? Does God really offer us up for the enemy to taunt?
These are questions that send our human minds spiraling. Now, in the book of Luke, we find Jesus telling Simon (Peter) in Luke 22:31 that Satan has asked to sift all of you (the disciples) like wheat. If we read these two scriptures alone, it would leave us feeling confused, hopeless, and with many more questions. But keep reading with me.
A Hedge Of Protection
Back in Job, if we keep reading in Job 1:10, Satan mentions he cannot touch Job because of the hedge of protection surrounding him. God says He will remove the protections and Satan can do what he wants, but he cannot kill Job. God gives parameters.
Many terrible things happened to Job. Many bad things happened to a great man, but you know what else happened? Trial upon trial came to Job, and it brought Job face to face with his creator and into a deeper place of seeking answers.
Trial upon trial came to Job, and it brought Job face to face with his creator and into a deeper place of seeking answers. Share on XOpening Our Heart To God
My husband spoke at the funeral, and he mentioned how we get to this point when we don’t understand why these bad things are happening and we fall to our knees, shaking our fists to Heaven, asking why? It is in those moments where we open ourselves up just enough for God to pour into us.
Just like Job’s questioning, our seeking, brings us closer to God. It intensifies our relationship and strengthens us in ways we could never even imagine.
Jesus Prays
In Luke, Jesus tells Simon that Satan has asked to sift him, and the other disciples, like wheat. Again, this shows that Satan has access to God and he can chat with God about us, but look at what Jesus says next. This is so good.
“But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
Luke 22:32 NIV
Did you catch that? Jesus prayed for him. He did not say, “Sure, go after them” and leave them to struggle. Jesus prayed for them. He encouraged them and equipped them, and I believe He prays for us, too.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
From both stories, we see God has to give the permission. I have to think that God only gives this permission when He knows we can endure. Not endure on our own strength, but when He knows, we will humble ourselves just enough to seek His help. It is only through His help that we will make it through. When we go through the fire, He is with us and as we turn to Him; we hold tighter to Him and deepen our relationship with Him.
When we go through the fire, He is with us and as we turn to Him; we hold tighter to Him and deepen our relationship with Him. Share on XJesus even teaches us in the Lord’s prayer, in Matthew 6:13, to pray for God to not lead us into temptation. Again, this shows us that God does not do the tempting, but He will allow it. Why? To bring us closer to Himself. Every single time we face trials and we turn to God, we cannot help but grow closer to Him. Isn’t this what we ultimately desire? To be closer to God?
He Uses Our Trials For His Glory
If you are going through a trial and trying to understand why these things are happening, I encourage you to reach out for His hand. Hold on tight to Him. Ask Him to not let you go and to help you through. He will. It’s never fun going through the trials. It is a challenge. But ultimately, we are getting closer, growing in our faith, and growing closer to God. You may find out why these things happened, or you may not, but try to focus on the bigger picture and how God could use this trial for His glory.
*All pictures taken by me. See more of my pics that you can use here on Vecteezy.
Jen, you’ve tackled a difficult subject and offered wonderful hope. God sets boundaries. Jesus prays for us. God is our way out when we’re tempted. Great post!
I’m so very sorry for your recent loss and praying for all the situations. It is hard for us to understand these struggles this side of heaven. So I pray for strength for all of during our hard times.
When I’ve humbled myself and cried out to Him, Jesus has rescued me from the pit of sin and been with me through the fire; however, I confess I still struggle with death, loss, and tragedy. But knowing He is with me during those times has strengthened me and my faith. Praying for you.