Look And Be Amazed

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Habakkuk is my favorite book of the old testament. Most people have never even heard of this book, so you might wonder how it became my favorite.
The morning after I truly met Jesus, I sat at the dining room table of my soon to be home, addressing my wedding invitations. As I addressed the cream-colored envelopes, one after another, I could not get my mind off the events of the night before. (You can read about all of that here.) Then the phone rang.
Not a cell phone, but the old portable land line phones with the two foot long antennas. I answered and on the other end of the line was one woman from the night before. She had sung the song that Jesus used to grab my heart and brought me into His presence. She said she had been praying for me that morning and the Lord had given her a scripture for me. That scripture was Habakkuk 3:19.
“The Eternal Lord is my strength! He has made my feet like the feet of a deer; He allows me to walk on high places.”
Habakkuk 3:19 Voice
Habakkuk 3:19
When she first mentioned the scripture reference, I did not know what she was talking about. I had never heard of this book and definitely did not know where to look for it. She kindly guided me towards the end of the old testament where the three chapter book sits between Nahum and Zephaniah.
She read the scripture to me, prayed with me, and hung up. I read that verse over and over. It was the first time God had given me a verse, and I cherished it. I memorized it and it became the scripture I hold on to in everything. When life gets hard, I remind myself God makes my feet like the feet of a deer. He equips me. God enables me to go on the heights. He gives me the strength and ability to do everything He asks me to do.
I have to admit it was a while before I read the entire book. When I did, I realized I could so easily relate to Habakkuk. He is the prophet of many questions and complaints. No matter what he asked or complained about, God answered.
How Long O Lord?
The first complaint he brought before God is in chapter one.
“How long, O Lord, must I call for help? But you do not listen!”
Habakkuk 1:2 NLT
The context of this complaint comes from Habakkuk asking God how much longer His chosen people will rebel against God. But can’t you put yourself in Habakkuk’s shoes here and now? How long, Lord, must I pray for help, but you do not listen?
Have you been there? Have you asked God for something and yet the answer never seems to come? When I look around our world today, I want to ask this, but on a personal level, I want to ask, “How long, Lord, do I need to pray for healing?” When will you answer?
Do you have a prayer that you feel God will never answer?
Fill in the blank “How long, O Lord, must I ask for _____________?”
Are you waiting for a prodigal to come home? Do you need healing, or a family member? Have you been praying for direction, but feel it has not come? Do you need financial breakthrough? Are you waiting to hear Him speak to you? Do you need Him to ease the pain of your grieving heart? What is it you desperately want God to answer?
Honestly, while I am typing this, my left arm is shaking and jerking. The more I type, the more it burns. The words on the screen scramble as my eyes are affected. My legs feel antsy and my ears are ringing. If I stand up, my heart rate will soar. And I want to yell, “How long, O Lord?” I am also wrestling with God over why a friend, in his early thirties with three young kids and a beautiful wife, has stage four cancer has not received healing. “Why God?” I know You can heal.
But God…
The Lord answers Habakkuk with words that both bring excitement and some trepidation.
“Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.”
Habakkuk 1:5 NLT
Look And Be Amazed
God says, “Look and be amazed by what I am going to do.” Ok, so in context, God continues with I am bringing up the Babylonians to take you down. This is not exactly what we want to read. We don’t want God’s vengeance to come upon us. We want the God of love, not the God who punishes sin. And it makes you wonder, is God not answering due to sin? When Jesus healed someone, He often said, “Your faith has healed you,” or, “Your sins are forgiven.”
In other scenarios, God has led me to this scripture and said if I would have told you before, you would not have believed. If God would have told me when I was consumed in sin that I would become a pastor’s wife, I would not have believed Him. I would not have believed Him if He told me I would travel to the middle east and see His miracles at work while I was wondering how to treat my son for Graves Disease. I would never have imagined God would put me in Montana while we sat in Houston for nine months with no job. God is the God of “You would not believe.”
God is the God of “You would not believe.” “Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.” Habakkuk 1:5 NLT Share on XAre You Ready?
I ask, “How long O God”, and I am sure you ask it to, but God says “Be ready to be amazed”. Are you ready to see what God is going to do in you and through you? I may still be technically infected with two diseases, but I also have the power of God moving through my veins and I am ready to see what He will do. He has put on my heart the need to teach. In the current state I am in, I cannot physically go somewhere and teach. But I know He did not put a desire in my heart to let me down. In the meantime, I write and teach from my home through videos. When He calls us to do something, He will make our feet like the feet of a deer and enable us to go on the heights.
What Are You Waiting For God To Answer?
So, what are you waiting for God to answer? Have you given up on an answer or are you pressing on? I encourage you to press on. While pressing into God, you get closer to Him. You learn more about His character and He draws you closer. Keep pressing, but be prepared to be utterly amazed. Be prepared to see Him do something you would have never thought possible.
I so admire your courage and faith in the face of adversity. Loved reading about your first encournter with Jesus. How fitting that it coincided with your engagement. Thank you for this powerful message of hope. Praying for you.
Jennifer, the Lord spoke to you through one of my favorite passages in Scripture. For centuries, people have lamented, ‘how long?’ Too often, I fail to heed the Lord’s response, ‘Look and be amazed.’
I am praying for your healing and that of your friend. A song that has always lifted my spirit when I wander through life’s wonders is, A Greater Yes, by the Whisnants.
I hope I have pasted it correctly here for you.
Jackie Freeman
Jen, thanks for offering wonderful encouragement from a place of experience with God. He is faithful!
I loved your honesty and encouragement in this post. May the Lord bless you Jennifer.