Seeking The Heart of God Through His Word.
The following posts are on the twenty-letters of the Hebrew alphabet. As you read, you will see how the alphabet is like a love letter from God. He reveals a little more about Himself through each letter.

Praise And Worship
Looking at the core meaning of Hallelujah and how it can change the way we worship.

Divine Invitation
The Hebrew letter, the Daleth, invites us to enter the spiritual realm. Allow God to speak to your heart as you learn about the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet.

Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open
Live in the freedom that only Christ can offer. Learn more, as we study the Hebrew letter Hei and how it represents drawing us closer to God.

Connecting Heaven And Earth
Do you have a place where you feel more connected with God? The next letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the Vav, shows us this special divine connection we have with the Creator.

An Invitation To Rest
It’s time to set aside the business of this world and accept His invitation and rest in Him. The 7th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet teaches us to rest.

New Beginnings
Jesus makes all things new. The 8th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, the cheth, teaches of new beginnings. I share my new beginnings after Lyme Disease.

A Good Place
The Teth in the Hebrew alphabet tells us to look inward, self-examine, cleanse our hearts of what is not of God and let the Holy Spirit pour into us.

Look Heavenward
The yod is tiny and reminds us we are never too small to be used by God. God uses the humble and unqualified so we will be more reliant on Him throughout whatever He asks us to do.

Filled With The Holy Spirit
The Kaph teaches us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. God desires to refill an examined and purified heart with the things of Heaven.

Finding Jesus
Finding Jesus, the hope of salvation, in the middle of an ancient text. See what this letter of the Hebrew alphabet teaches us about worship and our King.

Diving Into The Deep
Diving into the water of God’s wisdom allows us to draw closer to Him. As we mature, the more He reveals to us of His knowledge and mysteries unfold.

Banner Of Victory
It is the moments of despair where God can do His best work. He brings us out of the mud a mire to a place where we can wave the banner of victory.

Experiencing The Miraculous
Have you experienced a miracle? Have you experienced protection and was not sure how it happened? God is always working in mysterious ways on our behalf.

Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
What does it mean to be baptized by the Holy Spirit? I share my experience of the spark that had to be ignited into this life-changing experience.

Divine Intervention
God cares so much for each of us that He reaches down from Heaven to save us. Through dreams and visions, He reveals Himself to many who have never heard of Him.

Experiencing His holiness and understanding the power of who He is and what He has done for us, leaves us with the indescribable need to worship.

Following The Holy Spirit
What does it look like to live following the Spirit? What does it mean to be poor in spirit? This is what the Resh of the Hebrew Alphabet teaches us.

Repetitious Transformation
Continuously reading the Word, prayer and listening, transforms us into His image. This sets our hearts on fire and lights the dark around us.

God desires unity with each one of us. Jesus bridged the gap between God and humanity. Through Christ’s death on the cross, we receive unity with God.

His Dwelling Place
As we seek to know more about God, we find many hidden treasures along the way. The Bet invites us into His dwelling place where we find these treasures.

Good Gifts
The Lord seeks us and gives us good gifts to be used to further His kingdom.

Love Letters From The Heart Of God
A Journey through the Hebrew Alphabet. See how each letter unveils mysteries of God, and reveals the relationship He desires to have with each of us.

The Name Of God, Yahweh
God gives us His name for the first time in Exodus three. What does it mean, and how does God use it to draw us closer?

Why Have You Forsaken Me?
God is never far away. Even when we don’t understand the struggle we face, He is close and hears our prayers.

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord?
In the old testament, we read of encounters with The Angel of the Lord. Who is this? Let’s explore these interactions and see who you think this is.

Prayer And Worship
In times of struggle, I have found it hard to worship. Going back to the basics takes us to the heart of God and sets us free.

Visions From God
Many prophets had visions from God. Drawing close by listening, hearing and seeing in visions can develop and intimate relationship with Him.