Love One Another

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What Is Love
Before my son got married, we were having a discussion about what it means to love one another. He and his fiancé shared their thoughts on love from scripture and I shared with them my thoughts. My husband and I will reach twenty-five years of marriage in January, and I told them the greatest love ever shown in our marriage was not with flowers and gifts, even though I love those.
The greatest love he has shown me is through my Lyme Disease journey. When I have been at my lowest, he has been there to pull me up and pray with me. He showed great love when he pushed me in my wheelchair, gave me injections that he knew caused me more pain, or held my hand through horrible procedures. I have heard so many stories of spouses who left during the worst of times and to know he has been by my side through it all has given me great peace.
The Love Of Family And Friends
I have received love from family and friends in so many ways that have brought tears to my eyes and their kindness reminds me of how great of a God we serve. I hope you all have known love from others in this way as well. As much as these moments have stuck with me, it is often the kindness of a stranger that seems to stay at the forefront of my mind the most. Do you find this too?
The Love Of Strangers
I will never forget standing next to my little girl in front of the candy machines at the mall. I had no cash on me and she was kindly asking for a quarter. This woman offered her a quarter. It’s not that she gave a lot, but in this world where everyone seems to be so inwardly focused to see someone notice can make all the difference in the world. Throughout the Bible, it reminds us to love one another. John tells us in 2 John to love one another.
“I am writing to remind you, dear friends, that we should love one another. This is not a new commandment, but one we have had from the beginning. Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.”
2 John 5-6 NLT
Some People Are Easy To Love
This sounds so easy for those we care about. It is easy to love our spouses when the love is returned. I can love my neighbor by shoveling their driveway from snow when you know they will return the favor. It is even easy to show love to a stranger when they are smiling and receptive.
And Then There Are Others…
But how do we love those that don’t make it so easy? I know each family has ‘that person’ who makes it hard to love. How do we love the narcissist, the abuser, or the one that takes advantage of you? How do you love the neighbor that puts concrete in your drain pipes (yes, we had one of these neighbors)? Then there are the people who flip you off and yell at you from their cars. How are we supposed to love them?
When I worked as a 911 dispatcher, I struggled with this a lot. People would call you, tell you how horrible you were, use every expletive they could think of, and then ask for your help. So many days, I would hang up the phone and ask God how am I supposed to love the unlovable?
We have to remember Jesus came to Earth and lived life to experience it, just as we do. He illuminated love to everyone, healed them and delivered them from evil, and yet they still spit on Him, hurled insults at Him, beat Him, and killed Him. Yet He still loved them.
How can we show this type of love?
The Simple Answer – Prayer
When you know you are going to be with ‘that family member,’ pray about it. (Now I am not saying to put yourself into a dangerous situation. I believe sometimes we need to stay away.) Pray for God to have His hand on the situation. Ask Him to show you how you can share His love with them. His answers may surprise you. I have also found it helpful for me to pray to God to let me see them as He sees them.
When we know we will be around friends that maybe don’t see things the same way, we can ask God how He would have you approach the visit? Find the things you have in common and talk about that. Ask God to guide your conversation. Too often, Christians try to point fingers at what they think is wrong. What do you think would happen if we befriended those that think differently than us but we came together on something we have in common? Then what would happen if that common ground developed into a friendship?
What about those we don’t know? I want to be like the woman who offered my daughter the quarter. She saw an opportunity to show love and took it. If God can move mountains when we pray, He can certainly show us someone who could use some love.
If God can move mountains when we pray, He can certainly show us someone who could use some love. Share on XI encourage you today to ask God who might need a text of encouragement, a call, to be invited over for dinner, a little extra cash we can spare, an invitation to coffee, an offer to walk their dog, or just your presence. The Lord can work the miraculous when we are willing vessels.
I would love to hear ways God has shown you to love one another. Please share them below in the comments. If you would like to read further, you can read a similar post called “Love In Action.”

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I love your advice, pray. If we prayed more often and over our problem people, our lives would change. Thank you Jennifer
Jen, I need this reminder to show love in these simple, concrete ways. You’re so right–these actions stick in our minds. Who knows how God will use us to draw people to Himself.