Our Heavenly Warrior

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Horse Quirks
One thing you have probably learned about me is that I love horses. If you have been around horses for any amount of time, you quickly learn of their quirkiness. You would think these massive creatures would be courageous. Well, they are until they come in contact with a plastic bag, a puddle, or anything new for that matter. Learn more about these quirks here.
Since my noble steed was once an action movie horse (he was in the movie ‘Magnificent 7’), not much phases him, until he sees a hose. Yes, a hose. The other day, as I walked him from the pasture to where I would tack him up, he kept one eye fixated on the hose lining the fence, and you certainly don’t want to be on his back if he steps on a hose.
You ask why? Well, horses hate snakes, hoses remind them of snakes, and snakes don’t like horses. Which I don’t think is by accident. The Bible begins with the deception of the serpent and ends with our Mighty Warrior coming back on a horse. Just a thought…
Jesus’ Return
There are many days I look up at the sky and think, Lord, today would be a good day for you to return. Have you ever thought this? As we get further from the time Jesus left the Earth, I believe our longing grows deeper for His return.
When I lost my dad, one scripture that got me through was Revelation 19:14. Knowing my dad would be among the armies of Heaven, riding behind Jesus, filled me with a hope I lost in his death. Even more, this imagery would lead me to thinking of this glorious day when our Savior will break through the clouds on His majestic white horse, conquering everything that ancient serpent tried to destroy.
Imagine this magnificent scene with me for a minute. The sky will roll back, exposing the heavens, and there we will see a majestic white horse carrying Jesus, called Faithful and True.
Faithful And True
What a refreshing name. In a world where we don’t always know what, or who, to believe, this name tells us we can trust Him. To know we can always trust what He says brings forth a new level of adoration. John, using this name right here amid the battle of Armageddon, is profound. This is the climatic event of all the chaos the enemy has brought to the world and here we see Jesus break through the turmoil with the name Faithful and True.
The Lamb, Our Mighty Warrior
The Lamb, as we know Him, will return as a mighty warrior. We will be in awe as we see His eye blazing like fire, and the many crowns that will adorn His head, representing He is the conqueror of all nations. We will see a name written on Him, but only He will know it. He will wear a blood drenched robe that will remind us of His ultimate sacrifice and the reason we can unite with Him.
The Word Of God
Now, we will see the third name in this section of scripture, the Word of God. He is the fulfillment of everything. As we learned before, He is the beginning and the end. Here we see that completely fulfilled.
If we can even break our gaze away from Him, we will see the armies of Heaven behind Him, also on white horses. These riders, all of those in Christ that have gone before us, will wear white robes to represent their righteousness because of who they put their faith in.
Our eyes will return to Jesus when we see the sharp sword coming from His mouth. He will use this sword to judge the nations. With this sword, that we see also referred to as the Word of God (Ephesians 6), He will win the great battle.
Ready for my favorite part…
King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords
On His robe and on His thigh, He will bear the name King of kings and Lord of lords. The burdens of this life seem to lift at this thought of victory. Knowing Jesus will overcome everything brings the peace and encouragement I need to press on.
I Am Coming Soon
We read in the final chapter of Revelation that Jesus is coming soon. This does not always seem relevant because it has been 2000 years. So what is He waiting for, you might ask? I would have to believe 2 Peter 2:1-4 gives us this answer.
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God, our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
2 Peter 2:1-4 NIV
Jesus wants to spend eternity with as many of us as possible. His love for us is more that we can fathom and I truly believe He is giving the time that is needed for as many to share in the wedding feast with Him as possible. Once again, this leaves us with His two commandments. Love one another, and to go and make disciples of all nations.
“Knowing Jesus will overcome everything brings peace and encouragement.” Thank you for sharing that truth, Jen. It’s comforting to know that Jesus will heal our every wound. No sorrow in Heaven.