Overcoming Complacency To Ignite Your Faith

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New Adventures
Moving to Montana has opened doors for new adventures. I have loved hiking, horseback riding, and sometimes even camping. Let’s just say I enjoy being outside and looking at the stars and enjoying nature. But I also really enjoy indoor plumbing. I know it’s a battle. I will camp for one night at a time in a tent. If you saw the outhouses around here, I know you would agree with me.
Tents have come a long way since the old yellow tent my dad would set up in the backyard once a year before he would go to his antique car parts swap. My sister and I would play in that tent all day long, turning it into a playhouse. Sam and I now have a tent with rooms. Who knew they could get so fancy? A friend of ours even has one that has a room for a portable potty.
When you read through Genesis, you read about them pitching their tents. In my mind, I think of a dwelling made of a thick fabric, something that would be easy to pack up and move with you. However, if you look at the image below, you will see a modern remake of what some dwellings would have looked like in the time of Abraham. They don’t look movable, but may have been easy to assemble.
Modern village built to replicate what homes would have looked like in the time of Abraham (Getty Images)
But the Hebrew word we find for a tent here in Genesis is ’ōhel, which can mean tent, dwelling place, and can even be used for the tabernacle, meaning it can mean a place of worship. Most of us, when we think of this word Biblically, we think of it as a temporary dwelling. A place we set up until it’s time to move on.
In Genesis, we read of Abraham and Sarah moving often. They begin in Ur of the Chaldeans; they move to Harran, then to the Negev, then to Egypt and back to Harran. We also have to remember it’s not just the two of them traveling, it’s their entire families, with servants, and animals. In the New Testament, we never see Jesus sit still. He and the disciples were always on the move, except when they were spending time in prayer. Why do you think this is?
On The Move
When we are on the move, we protect ourselves from becoming stagnant. When we get stagnant, it’s often because we are comfortable and, oh, how we love our comfort. But, when we are comfortable, we are usually the least effective for the Kingdom. We become complacent.
Circuit Riders
I have watched through Instagram as my daughter has traveled through northern Europe with Circuit Riders. They are called this after early missionaries that rode horses throughout the US, sharing Jesus along various circuits. I see her pictures and get tired. They are on the move, going from one city to another evangelizing and waking up the saints to continue evangelizing in that area. (Learn more about her missions here.)
- Fun fact: In 1844, there were over 4,000 circuit rider preachers who traveled by horseback, covering a circuit of 200–500 miles.
In just one month, over 100 college-age students met Jesus through their efforts. There are fourteen people on her team, so that is roughly each person reaching eight people. What would this world look like if every one of us that called ourselves followers of Jesus reached eight people for Jesus every month? That’s just two a week.
I honestly believe the church would not be in the state it is in today if we were not complacent. For most churchgoers they go to church; see their friends; sing some songs, feel good about themselves and go home. I don’t read of that kind of church anywhere in the Scriptures.
The Biblical Church
The pages of the New Testament reveal churches that are feeding the orphans and widows. I read of churches that share the gospel and add to their numbers each day. We read of people healed and demons cast out, or of churches setting people free in the name of Jesus.
The book of Genesis has challenged me more than I ever thought possible, and today is no different. Looking at this word for tent and keeping in mind that God does not want us to get complacent ignites something within me. He wants His followers on the move ready to respond when He calls.
Overcome Complacency
I want to ask you some hard question that you might not want to answer, but I hope you will be truthful with yourself. I promise no one will see your answers and know that we have all been here at one time or another.
- When was the last time you shared Jesus with someone?
- When was the last time you shared your testimony with someone?
- Did you choose your church because your friends are there and it’s comfortable, or did you choose it because you feel the Spirit of God is there and you feel driven to live out the great commission?
- How many lives have you seen changed because of your actions?
There are many more questions I could ask, and I don’t ask these to make you feel bad, but to inspire you. I want you to be honest here and if you find that you have gotten too comfortable; I encourage you to come before the Lord with an open heart and ask Him to show you what He would have you do.
Press In
Press into God until you have an answer. Spend more time in the Word, in prayer, and in the secret intimate place with Him until He shows you the next steps. Sometimes we look for God to move mountains and all we need is a change of outlook. Remember, Elisha looked for God in the wind, in an earthquake, and in the fire, but he heard God in the whisper.
Maybe you are distracted by something that you need to release to the Lord. Something you need to give over and release control. Sometimes we need to get away from the distractions of the world and sit in silence and wait for Him.
Wherever you are and whatever you are facing, I encourage you to take an honest look at your walk with God. Are staying comfortable or if you are stepping out in faith, pitching your tent and being available when God calls. Are you changing the lives of those around you? Let’s not get complacent. Let’s boldly walk where He guides us and live our lives in completely intertwined with Him.
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Cultivate a life of faith through my four-part series, “Ignite Your Faith.” Join me on a journey as we explore ways to deepen our relationship with God. I share practical tips and ways to dig deeper into the Word, ignite your prayer life, share your faith with others, and the importance of community. Learn more by clicking “Ignite Your Faith.”
Jen, your message hit like a bull’s eye on a target. I confess to complacency when I should be actively seeking ways to witness. I use my outreach as an author to cover up my shyness and unwillingness to put myself out into the face-to-face aspect of witnessing to others. Am praying to do better. Thank you.