Reflecting The Son
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Wow! This is the last post of 2021. This year flew by, but with much to be grateful for. Thank you to those of you who joined me throughout Advent. If you missed a post, you can read them all here.
Active Waiting
Looking Ahead to 2022
As I began praying about what to write about in 2022, I had a few ideas bouncing around in my head. I kept asking the Lord for confirmation, and as always, He did.
One morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm and was confused by the bright light shining in my window. This was in November, in Montana. Fall and winter days are short. The sun does not rise till 7:30 am and sets around 4:45 pm. So, you don’t expect bright lights in the early morning.
It was the moon. A beautiful full harvest moon. As beautiful as it was at 5:30 am, I was a little annoyed by the brightness and rolled over and pulled the sheets over my head. As I did, I sensed the Lord saying, “As the moon reflects the sun, I want you to reflect the Son.” This woke me up.
I began praying and asked God how to best do this, and that is when He confirmed what to write about. I again heard Him speak, “The more you are in my Word and know my Word, the more you will reflect the Son.”
Read Through The Bible
So here we are. In 2022, I am going to read through the Bible and I hope you will join me. I have created a reading plan for each of you who wants to read along with me. You will read three to four chapters a day. You can read or listen to them. I will also share tools and tips of what I do to go deeper into the verses that pop out to me.
There will also be a Facebook group for us to discuss what we read and for you to ask questions. In that group, I will share audio and video teachings of what we read. My blog post will also come from something read that week. In the Facebook group, we will also make use of the new chat room features so you can ask questions and we can talk “live” with one another.
For those of you who are not on Facebook, I will send out the audio and videos through email so you can take part that way. You can then reply to the email with questions or any comments you may have.
I hope you will join me as we walk with Jesus through the Bible. If you have read the Bible through multiple times or this is your first, I know God will reveal new and beautiful things to you. Share on XI hope you will join me as we walk with Jesus through the Bible. If you have read the Bible through multiple times or this is your first, I know God will reveal new and beautiful things to you. Click here to let me know you are interested and you can join the Facebook group here. You can jump in any time and join us right where we are.
If you would like to start reading the Bible from the beginning and read at your own pace, click here.
I cannot wait to get started.
If you want a new Bible, these journaling bibles are awesome. Take notes right next to the passage you read.

“Reflect the Son”–I pray we can all do that this year. He fills us with His Light so we can shine forth for others. Wishing you a blessed 2022, full of Light and joy.