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Revelation, My Favorite Book
I love the book of Revelation. It has always intrigued me. People would look at me strange when they asked me what my favorite book of the Bible was and I would respond with Revelation. Then one day when rereading the book, these words of scripture jumped off the page at me.
“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those that hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.”
Revelation 1:3 NIV
At first, when I read this I got really excited. Maybe I had let my ego get in the way a bit, but I felt blessed to love the strangest book in the Bible. But look closer… Notice here in the NIV, it does not just say, “Blessed is the one who reads.” It says, “Blessed is the one who reads aloud…” Well, that makes it a little more convicting. Is it saying that I need to read these words and then share them?
Let’s Look A Little Deeper
I needed to look a little deeper, so I went back to the Greek. “One who reads aloud” all comes from one word, ἀναγινώσκω anaginōskō. This word means to read, read aloud, reading, reader, or reads aloud. Then I looked it up in all the English translations to see how Revelation 1:3 read in all the versions. You can find these on It was about half and half. Some translations said read, and some said read aloud.
If you read my “Love Letters” series, you would know that in Hebrew and Greek, the words can mean multiple things. So translators have to prayerfully choose which meaning the author intended. I love the Voice translation, because it often includes a few of the meanings. Here is the same verse from the Voice.
“Blessings come to those who read and proclaim these words aloud; blessings come to those who listen closely and put the prophetic words recorded here into practice. The finale is approaching.”
Revelation 1:3 The Voice
So what difference does this make and why would I take the time to look all of this up? For me, it means a lot. This is another confirmation that I am not just to read the scriptures and know them in my heart, but I am to share them. I am told to proclaim them. God wants His Word shared with as many people as possible.
I am so inspired by my daughter right now. She is in Paraguay and every day they go out to reach people for Jesus. How are they doing this, you ask? They go door to door, asking if they can share Jesus with them. They go to the hospital and pray with people. Everywhere they go, they are looking for opportunities to share Jesus with others. I want to live this kind of life. I want to live intentional.
You want to know the result of this intentional living? She has been there for almost two weeks now and she has seen three people saved, one healed, and another provided for. She felt led to pray for a mother and daughter sitting in the hospital. They had been waiting for a surgery for two months because they had not had the money. My daughter prayed for provision and as soon as she said amen, the husband came in with all the money needed.
A Willing Heart
All it takes from us is a willing heart to say yes to God. I will pray for that person. I know each of us wants to see the miracles, so what is stopping us? Fear? Fear of what will they think? Will I really know what to say? Will God really show up? For me, it is, “will they reject me and walk away”?
In two weeks, we have our official launch of our study of Revelation. My heart desires for as many of you who can join to attend, because I need to share what this book says. I have read these words too many times not to share them out loud.
I want us together to gain peace in knowing God is still in control when the world may feel chaotic or our lives feel overwhelming. We can find the peace that surpasses all understanding even in the book of the Bible that seems terrifying to many.
Most of all, I want and need to share with you what we are to do while we wait. God did not say, sit and wait I will be back. No. He gave us two commands, to love one another and to make disciples of all nations. Paul, Jude, and others tell us what we are to do while waiting for His return.
God did not say, sit and wait I will be back. No. He gave us two commands, to love one another and to make disciples of all nations. Share on XIf you have a desire for any of this, I encourage you to join us. Together, let’s dig deep into the scriptures, find what God wants us to be prepared for, and learn what to do while we wait for His return.
I know you are so proud of your daughter. How brave she is! And what a blessing she is sharing with the people of Paraguay. Praying for her and for you, Jen, that God will bless your Bible study. I wish I could join, but I’m overwhelmed with the load I’m carrying now. May God bless you with healing and encouragement.
What an amazing blessing for your daughter. I will be praying for her. I need to study Revaluations more. It does seem overwhelming to me. Thanks for sharing.
How wonderful that your daughter is being equipped to share the path to salvation with others. I pray it serves her for a lifetime. I’m not comfortable sharing Jesus’ love with strangers unless they ask me to. I try to do it through the way I live and my writing.
I’m glad teachers like you are willing to step out and do it and know your study on Revelation will be deep and meaningful.
Thanks for including the testimony of your daughter. My heart is with her. And I appreciate your zeal to share the Word of God. We all can learn from your example.