Welcome. If you have never prayed this prayer and accepted Jesus into your life, I invite you to do so. It is a very simple prayer stating that you believe what He did for you.
Join with me in this prayer…
Jesus, thank You for leaving Your throne in Heaven to come to earth as a man. You walked this world and experienced everything I have faced. Yet, in Your perfect love, You went to the cross for me, carrying the weight of my sins.
Today, I repent of everything that has separated me from You. (Take a moment to confess anything on your heart.) I believe that through Your sacrifice, my sins have been completely forgiven, once and for all.
Thank You for dying in my place, for conquering the grave, and for rising again on the third day. Now, You reign at the right hand of God the Father, and because of You, I have the promise of eternal life.
Jesus, I surrender my life to You. Be my Savior, my Lord. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me to follow You every day.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen
I want to celebrate with you if you have just prayed this prayer. Did you know Heaven is also celebrating? Luke tells us in Luke 15:10 NIV, “In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents”. I would love for you to connect with me so I can join you in celebrating. Fill out the form below. Or, if you are not yet ready to say this prayer and still have questions, I would love to help answer them.