Spring, A Time Of New Beginnings
Sun And Snow
I love spring because it reminds me of new beginnings. Gardening is something I love, but am not always great at it, but I keep trying. During my time with Lyme Disease, I sat and watched other gardens flourish through my window and hoped I would one day get to do it again.
When we lived in Florida, I had a garden and I loved to go out in the mornings and cut fresh spinach to throw into my smoothies or to go pick peppers for that night’s dinner. There’s just something rewarding about getting to do that.
Well, I think the last seven years of not getting to work in a garden have caught up with me. I have over fifty plants grown from seeds flourishing in my dining room, just waiting to get outside. I know I have a problem.
In Montana, the rule of thumb is to not plant anything until after Memorial Day because of the chance of snow or freezing temperatures. As a native Texan, this still seems unbelievable. Well, we are three days away from Memorial Day, and there is, in fact, snow on the ground. I am not so patiently watching out the window to see if it has melted.
Spring here is so unpredictable, but so is life. One day the sun is shining and you feel unstoppable and then the next day you are being dumped on. Sometimes things just don’t feel fair.
Standing Strong In Life’s Storms
Last week, I shared about the tulips and how they represent unconditional love (you can read that here). Every year, they share their beautiful colors with us. I watched this week as one of them stood strong.
We had high winds before the snow. Each time I let the dogs out, I would see all the tulips getting tossed about and losing their petals. A few of them survived. Then the snow came, a good six inches, and as I looked out this morning there stood this one tulip standing strong. I wondered how this flower could withstand what the others could not.
God then reminded me of a time I was getting ready to start a new job and what should have been an exciting time became dreadful. This was the first time I had felt strong enough in my Lyme Disease journey to work again and fear of so many things crept in. Would I stress myself and make it worse? Was I really strong enough to work again? And so on.
We Are More Than Conquerors
The tears came and fear overwhelmed me. My thoughts were completely irrational. Overall, I felt defeated. In this confusion, Sam looked at me and said, “We are more than conquerors.”
“In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”
Romans 8:37 NIV
We Are More Than Conquerors
At first I thought stop throwing scriptures at me. Then I reminded myself, he rarely does that, so I should pay attention. I the thought I can let this overtake me and I can let Lyme Disease win another battle in my life or I can stand up and do this.
We need to notice in the scripture here why we are more than conquerors. It’s not because of who we are or what we have done. It’s because of who Jesus is and what He has already done for us.
I wish I could say it was easy, and that I had no setbacks. But I can say I quickly saw God had placed me in that position. He let me pray for and with teenagers I never would have met if not for the job. I got to be the one a student came to when they were having a hard day. The best part is God has given me the privilege to watch one of these girls go from struggling to meeting Jesus and living a life of giving Him all the glory.
God Always Overcomes
My group is just finishing up the book of Genesis, and we have read some drama. If you have ever thought reading the Bible was boring, I don’t think you have read Genesis.
We have read about deception, betrayal, favoritism, and all kinds of things that bring us pain. But, in every story, we have found God overcome.
Abraham tried to have a son in his own effort, yet God still gave him the son He had promised.
Issac grieved for his mother when she died, and God gave him Rebekah to ease his pain.
Jacob was a deceiver by nature, but God still used him to carry on His covenant.
Joseph was sold into slavery and imprisoned, yet God used him to save His chosen people.
No matter what life throws our way, God can and will overcome.
Just like the single tulip standing tall, we can stand tall when we remain in Him, when we remind ourselves we are more than conquerors. I love spring for the reminders that even though one season was hard, God is still in control. Even if snow comes today, the sun will shine again tomorrow. His promises are true. His purposes will come to pass, and if I pay enough attention, I just might get to watch it all unfold.