The Glory Of God

Anxious Moments
Six months ago, I found out we had to move. I liked the house we were in with the gorgeous mountain view, and I loved the enormous yard. Outside is my happy place. I did not want to move, but the owner of the home was ready to sell.
In this current economy and the soaring housing prices of Bozeman, I knew we would have to move away. Our kids are here and we love living here. I did not want to go anywhere else yet. Within a few weeks of the news, I found out my horse needed a new home. The place he lived was a place I retreated to weekly and did not want to leave it either. It was a place of healing for me.
I began getting anxious about where we would go and where we would put our horse. I started to not sleep and felt my health declining with the stress.
But God…
One evening in my fretting, it was like God said, “Yoo-hoo, I am still here. I’ve got this.” I wish I could say peace overcame me. Yes, I felt a sense of peace, but my humanness fought back. Each day I began resting in God a little more until I could say, “Yes, God, I trust you.”
Sometimes our reality can interfere with our perception of God’s power. In my insecurity, I was forgetting how many times God has shown up and worked the impossible. I found a wonderful place for my horse where he is so happy and with other horses and he likes to think he’s in charge of them all.
As for the house, we had a temporary stint in a friend’s condo we could rent for a month and then my daughter could take over the lease. She is so excited. It’s a definite upgrade for her old place. And, I am so eager to tell you I am writing to you from an empty living room (because we just got here last night) in a gorgeous house we get to rent. God worked out a way for us to stay in Bozeman and have one of the most beautiful homes we have ever lived in. On top of that, the owner of the home held hands with us as we prayed over this place we get to call home.
This morning, I woke up in awe of what God has done (and a few body aches from moving things from a second-floor condo). Do you ever just sit and feel like God has done so much more for you than you could ever have imagined? Then to top it off, He wooed me this morning with His Word.
Let There Be Light
I opened my Bible and read the first few verses. In Genesis 1:3 it says “Let there be light.” Below that in my Bible was a scripture reference I felt I needed to look at, so I flipped over to it and my heart did a leap. It was like God wrote this scripture specifically for me to read this morning. In Romans, we read a lot about God’s glory and this just tied right in.
“For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.”
2 Corinthians 4:6 NLT
I had to read this multiple times. God, who put light into existence, put this same light to shine in our hearts so that we can know the glory of God. And this glory of God is seen in the face of Jesus.
Read that again…
God, who put light into existence, put this same light to shine in our hearts so that we can know the glory of God. And this glory of God is seen in the face of Jesus.
In moments like today, waking up in this new home, where I can tangibly see how God moved and feel in awe of His glory. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones describes glory, “It is all that God is.”

His Glory
When I hike in God’s creation, I sense His glory. When I read His Word, I absorb His glory. Worshipping God in church or to songs on YouTube, I bask in His glory. Do you feel it too?
In Bible studies I have led throughout the years, I have carried a tradition I learned from a book called, “Falling In Love With Jesus” by Dee Breston and Kathy Troccoli. In the book they talk about “Kisses from the King.” Meaning, where have you seen God move and it touched your heart? This can look like all I described above or it can be seeing someone show kindness to another, or having someone pray for you. It can look like many things. It’s simply when you see something and know God did that just for you.
It’s because of His glory, His very nature, that He does these beautiful things to draw us in and reveal a little more of who He is to each of us. In the comments today, I would love for you to share a “Kiss from the King.”