The Most Misunderstood Women Of The Bible

Have you ever felt misunderstood? Or gone into a situation with good intentions and came out knowing your words were misconstrued? Have you ever felt like the one in your family that does not fit in? You may feel known as the quiet one or the wild one, but not the way you see yourself. Walking through this world, not feeling understood, is hard.
I had the joy of participating on the launch team for Mary DeMuth’s new book, “The Most Misunderstood Women Of The Bible.” She highlights several women of the Bible that have been misunderstood for centuries. From Eve, whom all women curse while they giving birth. To the story of Bathsheba’s rape and then being known as the temptress. We visit the heart of these women and seek to understand them better.
Fictional Narrative Of The Women Of The Bible
Each chapter begins with a fictional narrative of the misunderstood woman of the Bible. Mary draws you into her story, to the point you feel her anguish, confusion, or joy. You will want to hug her, lift her up, or celebrate with her. Most of all, you will probably see yourself in a couple of them.
Biblical Teaching
After the narrative, Mary teaches what the Bible specifically says about the women, what society has said about her, and how we most likely relate to her. Many times while reading, I found myself thinking, “Yep, I’ve been there.”
Most importantly, each chapter in the book concludes with encouragement and hope for a better tomorrow. Mary gives light to the end of a dark tunnel.
My Favorite Part
Recently, I had to fly to my doctor, and I read a few chapters while traveling. I felt discouraged from my appointment and came accross this quote from the book.
“He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed (Isaiah 53:4). He endured all that pain so He could empathize with, help, and carry us. That is the God we serve – a compassionate God, full of loyal love.”
~Mary DeMuth
Don’t you love that? I needed that at that moment and even now.
I love this book, as well as all her other books that I have had the pleasure of reading. I encourage you to check it out here.