A Precious Gift – The Word Of God

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Food Brings People Together
For many cultures, food brings people together. Growing up, I had a Korean babysitter named Tina. She had a daughter my age and treated me as her own. One day, I asked if I could attend church with her. She was happy to oblige, and I suggested we go to her favorite restaurant on the way.
We ate and then arrived at her church for the evening service. What I did not know was there was a feast prior to the service. She got up and filled her plate and sat back down beside me. I asked her how she could eat. I was full. She replied by letting me understand how rude I was to not eat and I need to go fill my plate. She continued by questioning why I would take her to dinner in the first place and ruin her appetite.
I did not know there would be food, and she said nothing about the dinner. To not embarrass her, I got up and made myself a plate. We later discussed that in her culture to not accept the meal was one of the highest insults.
Don’t Be Rude Girl
When I traveled to the middle-east I had the privilege of visiting the homes of many locals and refugees. Each person we visited would offer us a treat and tea or coffee. Every threshold I crossed, I could hear Tina’s voice in my head, “Don’t be rude girl, eat their food”.
Some homes were elaborate, some mere tents, and other homes were one room closets, but every home offered something. I came home saying if we shared Jesus partnered with middle-eastern hospitality we would ignite revival. One night around 10:00 pm, after a long day, one man invited us to dinner. He called ahead and warned his wife we would be there in ten minutes and we were starving.
My first thought was, if my husband called me after I had already put on pajamas and invited five people over for me to cook for, I would not be thrilled. We entered their tiny home to one of the biggest, most joyful smiles. She was more than excited to have us in her home and it honored her we would want to visit her.
Not only did she cook for us, she taught us how to make one of her favorite traditional foods. She shared recipes with us, and most humbling was the knowledge of knowing we were eating the end of their supply and they most likely did not know where the next would come from.
Love And Generosity
Her love and generosity changed something within me that day. It humbled me to my core on how selfish and inward focused I had become. It also reminded me of God’s Word.
“When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies.”
Jeremiah 15:16 NLT
This week, in the Reflecting The Son series, we are in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah tells us how he devoured God’s Word. We should not just take in God’s Word, but let it transform us and then share His Word.
Standing in the kitchen over the hot stove with this dear woman, I knew her actions would change me. I saw love in action. She spent time with Jesus, trusted in Him for survival, and held His Word closely and lived it out.
Jeremiah said he discovered God’s Word and devoured it. I firmly believe, the more we are in God’s Word, the more we will want to devour it. Approaching 2022, I recognized I needed to reread the Bible. I also knew that it took over seven years to read it the first time and at least three the second time.
The Word Of God
Studying the Bible along with others this year has transformed my reading. I read it to stay up with the others, to teach it, to discuss it, and most of all because now I cannot put it down. As I have read consistently, I have felt a shift within me to want more.
Jeremiah continues in the verse by saying God’s Word is his joy and delight. It truly brings joy and peace to my life. I could not have gone through these recent health issues without the joy of His Word.
As I have watched the news, and have seen what is going on in our world, my first reaction is to fear what lies ahead. Then I remember what I have just read. God has dealt with all of this before. He is in control. He’s got this.
I love how Jeremiah compares reading the Word of God with eating it. Our bodies work better when we eat what is good for us. When we eat junk, our bodies feel awful. When we feast on the Word, what is good for us, we flourish, we come alive and most of all we draw closer to God.
What Else Does The Word Offer?
Here are a few verses…

“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
Psalm 119:105 NIV
“Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by evil.”
Psalm 119:133 NLT
The Word of God guides us. He directs our every step. God lights the path. Do you have a story of God lighting your path? I would love for you to share it in the comments.
His Word overcomes evil. The enemy cannot stand against the Word of God. When you feel under attack, speak scripture. The enemy turns and runs at the Word of God. I shared the following verse last week, but I feel it is worth repeating.
“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”
Isaiah 55:11 NLT
As we read and share God’s Word, we plant seeds, and they grow when the ground is fertile. When the ground is fertile, revival fire will fall. (Matthew 13:1-23)
As we read and share God’s Word, we plant seeds, and they grow when the ground is fertile. When the ground is fertile, #revival fire will fall. (Matthew 13:1-23) Share on XThe First Revival
The first revival recorded in the Bible is in Nehemiah 8, when Ezra read the Word to the people. As they heard the Word, they repented. The final scripture I want to mention is from Isaiah. This beautiful passage hits close to home because I love nature and looking at God’s creation. Everything on Earth that He created will fade away, but the Word of God will always stand forever.
“The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.”
Isaiah 40:8 NLT
A Few Tips For Reading The Bible More
- Find a place that you like to read that has few distractions. I know with children this can be difficult. Remove the distractions you can get rid of like the TV and phone.
- Listen to the Bible. With my eyesight effected by Lyme Disease I started listening to the Bible. I soon realized I can listen while I do other things like walking, pulling weeds and cleaning. I love using BibleGateway.com.
- Pray before reading. Always start this precious time with prayer. I always ask for the Lord to help me remain focused and understand what He wants me to get from the reading. I also ask that He speak to me through His Word and let me learn something new about Himself.
I have a lot more tips and I have found doing it with friends helps tremendously. You are always welcome to jump in with us and start reading right where we are in the Reflecting The Son series. I have also put together a series of emails where you can start from the beginning and read the Bible in a year. You will receive a weekly email of encouragement, tips, and videos I have created to help you along the way.
One more thing…
I learned from my time in the middle east. Having the Bible readily available to me is a privilege. I cannot take for granted. There are many people who long to hold a Bible in their hands. I do not want to waste this precious gift.
I strive to read the Bible daily, from both the Old and New Testaments and read through the entire Bible and start over. Sometimes it takes me several years, but I’ve been doing this more than 20 years and have read through numerous times. I always learn new things! The Scripture speaks to me in different ways. God knows what I need, I think. Thank you for reminding me to pray before I begin reading in God’s Word. Sometimes I overlook that important beginning.
Your emphasis on hospitality reminded me of a trip to Germany with some of my college students. Everywhere we went, there were refreshments and fellowship. It was such a humbling and joyful experience for me.
Food is an important part of Korean culture, mainly because for decades it was so scarce. I have learned since living here temporarily that one of their greetings to each other is, “Did you have breakfast?” “Did you have lunch?” They want to make sure no one goes without. We can use this example to feed on God’s Word and ask ourselves, “Did I have heaven’s food today?”
A beautiful post, Jennifer. We are so blessed to have God’s Word so easily accessible to us. Thanks and God bless!
It is such a privilege for us to have access to the Word of God. And through several charities, I try to make sure others can get them also.