Victory In Jesus – We Are More Than Conquerors
Victory In Jesus
One of my most read blogs on my website is the one on victory. Every month I get an email from Google telling me which pages of my website are most visited and 90% of the time it’s the post, “Victory.” What does this tell me? It tells me many people feel defeated and desire to see victory in their life.
We all need a sense of victory and that’s how that post starts out, “Do you wake up in the morning saying today Lord, I need a victory?” Well, I’m here to tell you we have victory. We are to live in victory. Why? Because Jesus Christ died on the cross for us.
Feeling Under Attack
Something God has convicted of me lately has been that we always blame everything that doesn’t feel right, that doesn’t look right, that just goes wrong in our life, on the enemy. Well, you know what? Sometimes we just mess up. We’re human, we messed up on our own. We don’t need the enemy’s help and I think we spend too much time focused on what we think the enemy is doing in our life versus what Jesus is doing in our life.
One day, I observed the conversations I had and where they pointed. By the end of the day, I had heard several people tell me all the ways they felt attacked by the enemy, but nobody had told me how Jesus had moved in their lives. I found this heartbreaking. We get so focused on what we feel, and not on how God might be working. Can you imagine what this world would look like if we focused every day on the victory that was declared on the cross?
When Jesus died on the cross, He conquered death. He conquered everything the enemy tried to do. The enemy lost in that moment and every day we are called to walk in the victory that Jesus died for. You can read more about that in the post, “Victory” here. You can also read about “Praying From Victory” here.
Jesus Died For Us To Live In Victory
Over the last three posts, I shared Jesus died for our salvation, for our eternal life, and He died for our healing. He did these things just for us, so why do we walk with our heads down, focused on the negative, with our thought on what we feel is coming against us? When we dwell in the things that are opposing us, and not on Jesus, who is pushing us, we will get stuck. Just like the psalmist says, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand” (Psalm 40:2 NIV). Jesus won the victory on the cross. He has lifted us up out of the mud in the mire. He has set our feet on a solid rock and that is where we go to stand.
Focus On Jesus
What does this look like in our day-to-day life? When we feel the pressure, whether from others, a hard situation, or maybe it’s from the enemy, where do we focus? What do we do with it? Do we look to Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, the One who can actually pull us out of it? Or, do we stay focused on the problem?
Our focus must stay on Jesus. Don’t focus on the fear you feel. Don’t stay focused on the frustrations, or whatever you feel is coming against you. Whatever that one word negative emotion that keeps popping up, change your focus. Look to Jesus. Go to the Word, turn to God in prayer. Keep your eyes focused on him and see what He’s going to do.
Power Through The Holy Spirit
My daughter reminded me of Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, when we were talking about the Holy Spirit. Jesus told Peter after the last supper, “You will deny me three times before the rooster crows twice.” Peter responds, “No I won’t do that to you, Lord. I love you.”
In the same evening, the soldiers arrest Jesus, and as Peter watches, three servant girls individually ask him if he is one of Jesus’ followers. Each time he says, “No I don’t even know him.” Peter denied Jesus three times. He walked in fear. Peter could not see past what was going on in front of him. He could not see past what was happening to Jesus. Peter got stuck in the mud and mire. He dwelled in fear. But let’s fast forward.
Jesus went to the cross and died. Three days later, He rose again, and ascended into heaven. Then we get to Act two, where the Spirit of the Lord comes down upon the people. When the spirit filled them, Peter’s focus was on God. He was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Learn more about the baptism of the Holy Spirit here.
Living Without Fear
When Peter had His eyes focused on God, nothing man did could come against him. No fear stood in his way. He stood up with the other apostles and preached fearlessly. He preached until he was ultimately put to death upside down on a cross.
With this lack of fear, thousands came to know Jesus that day. When we keep our eyes focused on Jesus, that’s when the power of God will ignite from us and send us forth, and we will see God change lives. You will see healings happen. You will see people delivered, and more than our minds can even imagine.
Let us not respond to the outward pressure, to the pressures of this world, but respond to what we have internally. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have the Holy Spirit living within you. Surrender to Jesus and say, “Let your will be my will.”
We Are More Than Conquerors
Pray often, Lord, keep my eyes on you. Let me want to do everything you want me to do. Help me walk in the strength that you want me to walk in. Don’t let me fear man, or the enemy, but let me walk like the conqueror you have made me to be because through Jesus, we are more than conquerors.
“In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”
Romans 8:37 NIV