Who Is The Stumbling Stone?

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Struggling To Accept Jesus
I mentioned before about a woman who gave her life to Christ in a hospital bed. This true southern lady wanted to wait to get her hair done. She wanted to get her affairs in order first, but my husband had explained to her that God loves us just the way we are. What I did not mention in that post was why she really struggled with accepting Jesus. She struggled because her beloved husband, who died the year prior, had not known Jesus when he died. She knew if she accepted Jesus, she would never spend eternity with the man she had loved more than life itself.
For those of us who have had a deep lifelong relationship with Jesus, we find it hard to even grasp putting another person before Jesus or our salvation. This sweet lady adored her husband, and he had been her rock throughout her life. They traveled the world together as he was an ambassador for the United States. Her world revolved around him. When he was gone, she was at a loss and told us often she wanted to take her own life just to be with him.
Then she met Jesus. You could see the battle raging within her. She longed to be with her late husband in eternity, but this new understanding of Jesus became more than she could pass up. Laying in the hospital bed in her mid eighties, she gave her life to Jesus.
The Stumbling Stone
We all have something that keeps us from knowing Jesus or getting to know Him on a deeper level. In the ninth chapter of Romans, Paul once again talks about the Jews struggling with not following the law. Paul quotes a scripture about the stumbling stone from Isaiah chapter eight to them.
“As it is written: ‘See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.’”
Romans 9:33 NIV
The stone here, causing people to stumble, is Jesus. The jews were so focused on what they had known that Jesus dying on a cross for them was a stumbling stone. Why? Because of this scripture found in the Old Testament law.
“If someone guilty of a capital offense is put to death and their body is exposed on a pole, you must not leave the body hanging on the pole overnight. Be sure to bury it that same day, because anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse. You must not desecrate the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.”
Deuteronomy 21:22-23 NIV
The Jews knew what the law said, and they could not get past this statement. The sad thing is the warnings of the stumbling stone was in Isaiah, part of their Scriptures, and yet they still missed it.
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What Are Our Stumbling Stones?
When I read of the things that were stumbling stones for the Jews and how they missed Jesus, even when He stood right in front of them, I have to wonder what we miss that might be right in front of us. What stumbling stones are we allowing to either keep us from knowing Jesus or knowing Him better?
I have seen many people stumble for different reasons. Engineers have struggled because they like things logical and in order and God is something they can’t take apart and put back together.
Arrogance and pride get in the way often. The idea that we must do everything in our own power can stop us from coming to Jesus. The need for absolutes can cause others to stumble. They say Jesus may be true for you, but He is not true for me.
Hypocrisy often stands in the way. People look at Christians with an idea of what they believe they should look like and when we don’t fit the picture, it becomes a stumbling stone. Many people will see one person in their life say they believe in one way and then do something else. The whole are judged on the behavior of the few.
Even things as simple as letting the TV or books distract us. We have every intention of spending time in prayer or reading the Word and then something catches our attention and before we know it, the time we set aside is gone.
What in your life is a stumbling stone? I encourage you to come before the Lord and ask Him to reveal your stumbling stones. What in your life is keeping you from a relationship with Him or having a deeper relationship with Him?
How Can We Live More Intentional?
What can we do to be more intentional? I have found that reading the Bible with others helps keep me stay accountable. We did the Bible in a year together here and knowing others were waiting to discuss what they had read kept me focused. Plus, doing Bible Study together has done the same thing.
Setting reminders on our phones can help. Just like scheduling other things in our lives keeps us on task, sometimes doing this with Bible reading will keep us focused. Even if it is only a scripture or two, it is keeping your heart focused on what truly matters.
My daughter shared with me that she will leave her phone and other devices in another room to avoid distractions. She then spends some time quietly focusing on the cross and praying for God to give her understanding before reading.
We all have things that can help us focus. I would love for you to share what you do. If you share what helps you, it may be something that will help another reader. I have found the more time I spend in the Word and in prayer, the more I long to do it. It begins with a single scripture and then I cannot put it down.
If you have a stumbling stone that you would like prayer for, please never hesitate to contact me and ask for prayer. I would love to pray with you.
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