You Have Chronic Lyme Disease

You Have Chronic Lyme Disease

My Declining Health

In April 2017, I started not feeling well. My blood pressure escalated; my heart rate raced, my neck swelled, I could not exercise without having to take a break every five minutes and so much more. A friend who saw my declining health suggested I had Lyme Disease. I had no recollection of a tick bite and thought nothing more of it.

In May 2017, on my 40th birthday, I waited to hear from the doctor just to be told I had chronic fatigue. She said I needed to go for a walk and take anti-depressants. I felt that if I went for a walk, my heart would go into atrial fibrillation and I might actually die. I could not stand for long. How was I supposed to go exercise?

The following week, my arm started jerking, and my hands tremored. I will never forget the moment, the first Friday in June at 10:00 AM. I attempted to get up from a chair, and my legs would not work. It was as if my brain and legs were no longer connected. I had to concentrate on every step.

I will never forget the moment, when I attempted to get up from a chair, and my legs would not work. It was as if my brain and legs were no longer connected. I had to concentrate on every step. #lymedisease Share on X

Vanderbilt – Nashville, Tennessee

The conclusion from the doctors in Montana was that it was all psychosomatic, a result of being sexually assaulted. I have not, and I praise God for that, but the doctors had made up their minds. To continue my search for a diagnosis, I went to Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee. I underwent multiple tests I hope never to do again.


Have you done this one? They shock you over and over for 30 minutes with what looks like a dog shock collar. The doctor would move it all over my left arm and leg to see how the nerves responded. Then another doctor came in and took a needle; he would find a nerve and shock it for another 30 minutes. (Learn more about EMG’s here)

Spinal Tap or Lumbar Puncture

This was fun, too. You get to lie on your stomach while they stick a needle into your spine and take out spinal fluid. You pray the entire time the doctor knows what he is doing, so you do not become paralyzed. (Learn more about spinal taps here.)


I thought this one would be easy after the others. This test all they had to do was hook 20 electrodes to your head to monitor brain responses. What they do not tell you is that they have to sandpaper your scalp anywhere they have to put those 20 electrodes. The tech then spends the next half hour flashing strobe lights into your eyes to see how your brain reacts. (Learn more about EEG’s here.)

After all these tests, lots of bloodwork, three MRIs, four CT scans and an ultrasound, the doctors all said I was fine. All tests were normal. Up to this point, only two doctors were honest and said, “I don’t know.” I respect them so much more for that.

“You Have Chronic Lyme Disease”

After months of trying to find answers, I called a friend who told me from the beginning she thought I had Chronic Lyme Disease. She has had it for 20 years. I had run out of options, so I asked her to give me the name of her doctor and off we went to San Francisco to meet him.

'''You have Chronic Lyme Disease,' words I never wanted to hear, but also brought a great deal of relief. I finally had an answer and a plan.'' #lymedisease #healing Share on X

This doctor is amazing! He began our time by telling me why this was not psychological. He understood all the strange symptoms I was experiencing. For the first time in months, I felt hope. I did more tests, and a couple of weeks later in September, my doctor officially diagnosed me with Neurological Chronic Lyme Disease (aka. Borrelia Burgdorferi) and the coinfection Babesia (similar to malaria, a parasite that lives in your red blood cells).

Read more about Lyme Disease here.

Read more about Babesia here.

Chronic Lyme Disease Protocol

For almost two years, I spent around 3 hours a day taking medications. Every day I took 30+ pills, four packets of powder medication, IV antibiotics, four tinctures, and one liquid medication. I went to physical therapy, where I had to relearn to walk “normal.” I used a cane for balance for a year, and a wheelchair if we needed to go further than a parking lot. The treatment was a part-time job.

Life With Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease affected almost every area of my life. The grief that comes along with chronic illnesses is shocking. Unless you experience it for yourself (I hope you never do), you will never understand the loss someone goes through. However, it brought me to my knees. When you lose all control, there is only one place to turn, and that is to Jesus.

“The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.”

Psalm 28:7 NLT

Scriptures On Healing

In this printable, you will find pages of healing scriptures and how to pray them over yourself or a loved one.

Healing Scriptures

If you have questions…

I am always available if you have questions about Lyme Disease. Use the contact page to email me directly.

Love this stuff!

Yu Beauty Collagen

I have been using this collagen to help restore the damage Lyme Disease has done to my skin. Use coupon code JENNIFERKNIGHT to save 15%.

Under Our Skin

If you want to know more about Chronic Lyme Disease, there is an excellent documentary called “Under Our Skin.” I encourage you to watch it.

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  1. judy prisk says:


    I have been following your journey via friends and facebook updates. I continue to pray for you. Thank you for using this experience to further enrich your message and blog.

  2. Jeffrey Robinson says:

    Hi Jen;
    Sorry you have to deal with this, but I’m glad you finally got the answer to what was causing all these medical problems. Hope you get more relief from the meds & physical therapy. Did you contact that lime disease over seas? How’s Tom & the kids doing.?

    1. Hi Jeff,
      My doctor believes I got it when I lived in Orlando. We lived on a conservation lot and had a tick problem with our dog. My doctor believes my immune system was able to keep it under control all this time. Then a year ago I had 5 vaccines for my trip. He believes this overwhelmed my immune system and it could no longer keep it latent. Sam and the kids are well. My son had his thyroid removed last month, but has done fantastic.

  3. Wow, you have been through a lot, but I know it has brought you closer to the Father. So thankful you were directed to the right doctor!
    I look forward to future blogs!

    Love you guys,

  4. Like you, I have had a long, difficult journey battling Lyme’s. After feeling bad for over 20 years, being diagnosed (finally) with Lyme’s and starting the Cowden Protocol in 2015, I am finally starting to have a life. Through all of this, God has been my strength, my hope, my defender and my patient listener. My husband has been wonderful and has supported me through all of the misery, fear and “near death” episodes. I just want to encourage you and thank you for speaking out! Januari in Houston

    1. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. You are so right, God has been my strength, my hope, my defender and my patient listener. I am so glad you mentioned your husband. Sam has been great too. I hear so many stories of divorce because of Lyme. It is so nice to hear a positive outcome.

  5. Marla Blanke says:


    I am so sorry for all the struggles have been through and still are facing. Praying for continued healing, my friend!

  6. Hardie Morgan says:

    Miss you guys. Hardie

  7. Maria Connor says:

    I am so happy to see you blogging again and sad to read all of the details of your illness and ongoing treatment. I am praying for you, my friend! God is using you through this trial to be an encouragement and testimony of Him. I love you!!

  8. Paul & Suzy Larson says:

    Hi Jen,

    Thanks so much for sharing what has been a very difficult journey the last nine months… we continue to keep you in our prayers that you will get relief, if not complete healing from the Lyme disease. I have had three close friends with this, and it has been hard for all of them. They have gone to considerable lengths and learned so much in their search for answers. I can certainly put you in touch with them if you would like.
    God bless you this Christmas season,

    Paul & Suzy Larson

  9. Anne Anderson says:

    I’m so glad you are writing again. It’s a huge positive step after so many negative ones this year. I am selfish, and have loved getting to know you and your family better during your infusions. You and Sam are living out the sickness and health vows. Thank you for letting us as your church family love you guys and share this burden. Much love, Anne, Russel, Reed & Bryce

    1. Anne, I have loved our time together as well. We will have to continue (in a different setting).

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