Do Dreams Come True?

Horese - Do Dreams Come True?

Would You Like To Have A Horse?

Three years ago, Sam received a phone call asking if we would like to have a horse. The little girl inside of me, that had always dreamed of having a horse, screamed YES! The practical side said no. We were paying over $2,000.00 a month in medical bills for me. Adding a horse into the mix did not seem smart at all.

When we received this call, I was almost a year into Lyme Disease treatment. I was grieving for everything I had lost and had very little hope of anything changing. I felt trapped in a body I never thought would work right again. In this desperate point in my life, I felt a small spark ignite.

The next day, Cinnone, Gwyneth and I went out and met Little John. Love at first sight is an understatement. I instantly knew I wanted this horse, and my girls agreed. We excepted this gracious gift and our lives have forever changed.

Little John
The Day We Met Little John


I do not believe the horse healed me, but I believe the Lord used Little John to give me a newfound hope. I remember thinking I may never run again, but I can come out here and brush him and I might even ride him. This new hope changed my healing course. I stopped thinking about what I could not do and started looking forward to my time with Little John and seeing what I could do with him.

One evening I went out with some girlfriends and told them how much my life had changed because of this horse. I had known horses helped people, but would never have imagined how much they would have helped me. One of my friends went home and bought me a book by Kim Meeder called “Hope Rising.” It is a book about a youth ranch that uses horses to help children in difficult situations while sharing Jesus with them. I cried all the way through the book.

So I bought another book by Kim, “Encountering Our Wild God” and cried all the way through that one.
Encountering Our Wild God
Then I bought another, “A Bridge Called Hope,” and again cried all the way through too.

A New Calling

I went to Sam and told him I thought God was calling me to do this type of ministry. I am sure he thought it was another of my wild ideas. If you have talked to me in the last two years, you have probably heard me talk about our dream to start a ranch. We kept saying when we make enough money, when we have land, when we have another horse, when… when… when… We will make it happen.

Now, two years after reading the first book, we got the opportunity to go to this ranch and learn from the founders, Troy and Kim Meeder. The four-day conference was more than Sam and I could ever have imagined. The presence of God was overwhelming. They gave us the opportunity to see how they run their ranch. How they saturate every aspect of the ranch in prayer and how God has provided absolutely everything they needed. We learned how they started twenty-six years ago and how God has moved and used their ministry.

I Want You To See How Big I Am

We also had the opportunity to really look at what we felt called to do and how to bring those desires before the Lord and watch what God would do. When I first felt called to start this ministry, I told God, but I have nothing to offer. I have no land, no money, all I have is a 21-year-old horse. How do you expect me to do this? His response humbles me to this day, “I want you to see how big I am.”

Our Dream

Our dream is to have a ranch that reaches kids and teens struggling with depression and anxiety. Montana is in the top three states to have the highest rate of suicide per capita. Working in the local high schools, I see kids every day struggling with depression, anxiety and who they are in their bodies. In the public school setting, I cannot share with them how much God loves them. Nor can I tell them the peace they can receive in Jesus. I also cannot tell them He created them exactly how He desired them to be. They are not a mistake. But I can one day invite them to come to a ranch where they can meet a rescue horse that has gone through its own trials and pair them with a mentor who can share the love of Jesus with them, offer them encouragement and pray with them.

Sam and I walked into the conference this week feeling doubtful and defeated. We have big dreams and nothing to offer but ourselves and an old horse. We left feeling ignited and have an expectancy to see what God is going to do.

Ephesians 3:20

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20 NLT

We Ask For Prayer

Please pray as we begin the steps in starting a 501C3 and creating a board. And most of all that God would provide us a place to make all of this happen.

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  1. This is AMAZING! Look at God! “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” You and Sam are about to show these young people what God can do in their lives! So happy for you! May His name be praised, now and forever!

    1. Thank you Allison. Maybe you would need to move here and be part of it. 🙂
      I love that scripture. The whole things seems so big and overwhelming but I know if God wants it we will see how big He is.

  2. This is wonderful! One of mine did equine-assisted therapy at Stable Spirit here and it was truly a life/path altering experience. And, that was completely secular. I’m so excited to see what God does. Love you guys!

    1. My sister told me about Stable Spirits. I am so glad you saw the benefit. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do.

  3. So excited to see what God will do as He grows the ministry He has put in your heart!

    1. Thank you Joanna. I feel like I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see how God will move. Thank you for your encouragement.

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