Filled With The Holy Spirit
Love Letters
Ready to have a wow moment? Well, at least I had one when I saw all of this put together for the first time. I hope God is transforming your heart as you examine these letters. They present themselves as love letters from God. The Hebrew alphabet not only forms words and represents numbers, they tell the story of God’s heart and His desire for us to draw near to Him.
We started this series with the fourth letter, the Daleth ד, an invitation to step into the spiritual realm. When we accept the invitation, we walk through the narrow gate of the Hei ה. In this secret place with God we can hear that still small whisper of His voice.
The Vav ו represents the divine connection between heaven and earth. The relationship we have with our creator. It is the beginning of a sacred relationship. This space is where we meet the Zayin ז, where God tells us to rest. This is a holy rest like that of the Sabbath.
From here, we connect with the Cheth ח that symbolizes our joining with God. Once we have joined, we experience the Teth ט, the examining of our hearts. In this examination process, we allow God to purify us from the sin that is within us. The refining continues with the Yod י that reveals what He sees in you. You are never too small or too far away to be used by Him.
”Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:10 NIV
With our hearts pure, the eleventh letter, with the value of twenty, the kaph כ teaches us to fill our heart back up, but only with the things of Heaven.
Does this blow your mind as much as it does mine? I hope so. And this is only half of the letters. It keeps getting better. The aleph-beith differs greatly from the alphabet we learned in elementary school. I could never have imagined the depth to it. They truly are love letters from God.
Filled With The Holy Spirit
Take a deeper look at the Kaph כ. Pay attention to the shape. It looks like a backward C or a sideways bowl. The shape suggests multiple things. We will study two characteristics. Scholars say it looks like a container, a cup, or a bowl and that the bend represents molding and forming.
“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”
Acts 4:31 NIV
Our bodies are the container that need filling. Through the examining of our hearts and expelling what was not of God, God creates room in us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We can read many stories in the Bible where the Holy Spirit indwelled people. Take notice in the scripture above what happened when they were filled with the Holy Spirit. They spoke the word of God boldly.
What I love about God is that He likes to shake things up. Every time there is a filling of the Holy Spirit, it’s not always the same result. Sometimes there similar but not always. When filled with the Holy Spirit, Bezalel received wisdom, understanding, and great skills with his hands (Exodus 31:3), Zechariah prophesied (Luke 1:67), and some spoke in other tongues (Acts 2:4), just to mention a few.
There Is No End To His Power
When you open yourself to God for the inpouring of His Spirit, there is no end to His power that can come forth. It is the same power that parted the Red Sea, that rolled the stone away, that raised Lazarus from the dead, and allowed Jesus and Peter to walk on water. This same power can pour into you and the impossible can become possible. Through repentance, you have made room for the Holy Spirit to fill every depth our your soul.
The Work Of The Potter’s Hands
Just as the potter molds the clay, God molds our hearts to be more like Him. We have to relinquish the control we grasp onto and let God do what He does best. Let Him mold your heart. How is He doing this already within you? Do you know things you still need to release to Him? Are there areas of scripture that are more interesting to you, and you feel are drawing you closer? Do you pray more often and noticed slight changes in yourself? Are your desires changing? These are just some of the way God is doing a transforming work within you.
Did you know… The Welsh revival began when one man, Evan Roberts, prayed in a youth gathering four things. One of which, he asked God to mold and bend him. And each youth in attendance prayed the same prayer. When we allow God to mold us and bend us into His perfection, Revival will set fire. Pray with me.
Lord, we come before you today seeking to be more like you. Mold and bend us with your perfect hands into the person you need us to be to bring glory and honor to your name. Use us as a vessel to set revival fire through our cities, into the nation and throughout the world. Let us not sit idly by but be active participants in your divine plan. In Jesus’ Holy name. Amen.
“How the precious children of Zion, once worth their weight in gold, are now considered as pots of clay, the work of a potter’s hands!”
Lamentations 4:2 NIV
Hands Ready To Receive
The Kaph כ shape also represents the cupping of our palms. The way you would hold your hands to receive something. In some churches, this is the way you would cup your hands to receive communion.
When we receive communion, we receive bread and wine, which symbolize the body and blood of Christ. In the same way, when we come before Him with hands held open, we can receive His spirit.
Your heart is pure because of the redemptive blood of Jesus. You have repented and your heart is clean. You kneel before the Lord in humility with your hands cupped, extended, ready to receive what the Lord has for you. I invite you to do this today. I cannot wait to hear what He does in you. You might get something immediately or he may ask you to come multiple times before you sense anything. I encourage you to keep coming and be ready, with an open mind, to see what He wants to do in your life.
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
Psalm 23:5
I would love to hear from you. Share your comments below. You can always send me an email or prayer request by clicking the contact tab at the top.

A lot to ponder on here, Jennifer. We need to be brave to pray for molding and bending. Sometimes that is painful! But, so rewarding to fully submit and gain a pure heart. Thank you for the challenge and encouragement.
So true and you ‘re welcome. Thank you.
This is so interesting to me! I love how every little piece of Scripture teaches us something and takes us to new levels of understanding.
I actually stumbled upon the Hebrew alphabet. My husband studied it in seminary, but I assumed it was all over my head. I was reading a book that started using the hei and it piqued my interest and one thing led to another and here we are. I could never have imagined I would learn so much about God from letters.
I love this! “Our bodies are the container that need filling. Through the examining of our hearts and expelling what was not of God, God creates room in us to be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
Psalm 51:10 is one of my favorite verses.
Thank you for sharing such an interesting and heartfelt post!
Thank you for your comment. I LOVE Psalm 51:10 too.