Following The Holy Spirit

Following The Holy Spirit

“I Wish I Were Not So Adaptable”

“Mom, I wish I were not so adaptable,” said my nine-year-old (who is now seventeen). My youngest daughter is one of those kids that can adapt to any situation you put her in. If she goes somewhere and does not know anyone, she will by the time she leaves. She can talk to anybody and wherever she is, she makes herself at home.

Not by our choosing, but she got to practice this often. As she entered 5th grade, she was on her way to her sixth new school. We had moved one mile down the street, which put her in a different elementary school. I had begged the previous principal to make an exception and let her stay since we did not know how long we would be at the other school. She would not even entertain the idea.

A Beautiful Gift

I have consistently told my daughter what a beautiful gift it is that she can make friends anywhere, that she can thrive anywhere, and it is a hard quality to find in most people. Driving to this new school to begin her fifth-grade year, she made the statement, “I wish I were not so adaptable.” When I asked her why she replied, “Maybe I would not have to move so much if I were not adaptable.” My momma’s heart broke. Like always, she fell right in step with the other kids and had a great year.

I admire my daughter for being able to go into almost any situation and fit in. If I walk in a room and do not know anyone, I shy away. She bravely confronts the room, understanding what it is like to be the new kid, and tries to make everyone feel welcome.


The next letter in the Hebrew alphabet, the Resh ר, with the value of 200, means adaptable. More in particular, it means following the Holy Spirit, being able to go with God’s leading. It also represents humility and knowing your need for God. When people understand this need, they are more willing to move as He leads.

Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt you had to be adaptable or break? Sometimes in our lives when we think we are moving in the way God would have us go, and then suddenly everything comes to a screeching halt, or turns in the opposite direction.

Following The Holy Spirit

In April 2016, this is how I felt. I had gone on an incredible mission trip. God had opened doors for me to speak at women’s events. I was writing regularly and my social media/website business was flourishing. Then my health deteriorated rapidly. I did not understand what was going on and had no choice but to be adaptable. Disease took over my body, and I went from a life full of activity to not leaving my home other than to go to the doctor.

No matter how much I tried, my body could not keep up with my previous life. I went from feeling like I was developing a ministry to a lump on the couch. I could not understand my worth. Every day was the same as before, a shower and back to bed.

Throughout the healing process, I saw I was trying to do all of this in my own strength. God took this horrible disease and used it to regain my focus on Him. He has given us a new vision for a ministry(read about it here), opened doors for Christian writing classes, and turned my heart to be more reliant on Him for everything.

Galations 5:25 NLT
“Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” Galations 5:25 NLT Share on X

Poor In Spirit

When we have moments in our life like disease, depression, loss, betrayal, and other factors that come against us, we understand our need for a Savior. When the things in life become so unbearable, we have no place to turn but Jesus. We soon learn there is no person or thing that can feel the hurt and void that was thrown our way. The resh also teaches us about the poor in spirit. This is not poor as we think of poor, as broke and weak. It means truly knowing your need for Jesus.

Matthew 5:3 NLT
God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs".” Matthew 5:3 NLT Share on X


Going through trials in life not only makes us realize our need for Jesus, but it humbles us. We discover it is only in His strength that our efforts can be blessed and move mountains.

The Resh is the beginning of the word ruach hakadosh רוח הקדש which means Holy Spirit and wind. When we live open to the Holy Spirit, humbly listening for His direction and have a willingness to proceed through His guidance, we are living exactly what the Resh teaches.

Have you ever had an experience where you had to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit? Did you feel you were blindly walking into the unknown or did you feel confident? What was the outcome of the situation? I love hearing your stories. Share them in the comments so we can all benefit from your testimony of God’s goodness.

Thank you for sharing

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  1. I am usually an adaptable person, but I am glad that I did not have the experiences your daughter faced in so many new schools. What a challenge! I’m sure she has used those skills often. Your messages are always so interesting. I have found that God is so good in giving me practice in becoming more humble. He knows what I need! Thanks for focusing on the hard stuff.

  2. Terri Miller says:

    In November of my junior year of high school, we moved 200 miles away from all of my best friends. I didn’t know anyone. For many months I was depressed and lonely. I’m afraid I wasn’t as quickly adaptable as your daughter; however, during the summer break before my senior I met the young man who would become my husband three years later. I learned that God’s plans are better than my own, and if I don’t adapt, I may miss his best for me.

    Love the post.

    1. Thank you for sharing Terri. I love that God’s plans are always better than ours. Just wish it didn’t have to be so hard sometimes.

  3. I admire your daughter for her adaptable spirit. I would love to be that way. I am the one who has to be drawn out into the social circle. But with the Holy Spirit I have become more able to talk to people and take the first step in a conversation. His direction never fails.

  4. I enjoyed learning about the Hebrew word for adaptable. I’ve had to adapt to some health issues in my life too. Life always presents new challenges we can’t control. I’m so thankful the Holy Spirit enables us to adapt to the seasons and challenges in our lives.

  5. Dawn Bata says:

    What a heartfelt story of change and growth. Learning to walk in His strength and not our own can be challenging; but, so rewarding!!
    Thank you for sharing this story. ( I love the verse Galatians 5:25)

  6. A friends shared this post on twitter… first time visitor. Your post was another leading of the Holy Spirit at a time when I am looking for His direction for my life. I can so relate to your story. Also put my ministry on halt due to life’s circumstances and now I am waiting for God’s leading concerning next steps.

    Praising God with you for His patient leading us!


  7. What a valuable post. I consider myself adaptable, but sometimes, I use my own strength. When I was caring for my sweet mom at the end of her life, I was tired and frustrated, although I delighted in being able to care for her. God led me to work hard during the day, leave my requests at His feet, and sleep well. When I did that, He provided in miraculous ways.

  8. In my most difficult season of following, I wavered between confidence and blind walking in what felt like the dark. But Christ is the Light and Holy Spirit is our guide. He brought me through.

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