Honoring God With My Body

Honoring God With My Body - Book

God Brings Us Together

Don’t you love when God puts people together for His purpose? I met a woman at an online author’s convention and she connected me to a Facebook group for authors and bloggers in the Blue Ridge Mountains. As you know, I am nowhere close to those mountains, but they let me in.

In this group, I have met so many wonderful women that I hope to meet in person one day. One of the precious ladies in the group and asked me to help her with her website. This really excited me because I love creating websites for authors and bloggers. (see my other website)

As I worked on her site, I started noticing a lot we had in common. She stops and takes pictures of all the flowers she passes, just like I do. We both have horses, and the list goes on. One thing we have in common is something I struggle to talk about right now. I have a degree in exercise science and she taught at a university for that degree. Our hearts are both towards living a healthy lifestyle, but truly the thought of those words is so hard right now. How can I really be active and healthy when I can hardly move?

Honoring God With My Body

I worked on the page for her newest book, “Honoring God With My Body“, and thought, how can this body full of disease honor Him? But, I felt drawn to Katherine’s book and asked if I could take part in her launch team. She sent me an autographed copy of this beautifully written book and it sparked something within me that has been lost for over five years.

Katherine did not write this book to tell you all the things you need to change so you could live long and serve God. She wrote “Honoring God With My Body” with compassion and to show you what is possible for the Kingdom when we provide a healthy temple for the Holy Spirit.

Katherine wrote "Honoring God With My Body" with compassion and to show you what is possible for the Kingdom when we provide a healthy temple for the Holy Spirit. Share on X

As Katherine has reminded me, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Even with all the flaws that disease brought on, I am still of His design and I need to help myself be the healthiest I can under the circumstances. This book never makes you feel less than because of choices, but challenges me to want to be my best for my Savior.

Katherine wrote “Honoring God With My Body” as a nine-week study you can do alone or with a small group. It is always more fun to do it together. I encourage you, if you are looking for inspiration to get back on track, check out this fantastic book.

Honoring God with My Body: Journey to Wellness and a Healthy LifestyleHonoring God with My Body: Journey to Wellness and a Healthy Lifestyle by Katherine Pasour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As Katherine has reminded me, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Even with all the flaws that disease brought on, I am still of His design and I need to help myself be the healthiest I can under the circumstances. This book never makes you feel less than because of choices, but challenges me to want to be my best for my Savior. I encourage you to read this book and let Katherine inspire you to live your healthiest life.

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  1. I’ve been a little overwhelmed this past week with various commitments and had very little time on social media. I’m excited that I found your post today. Thank you for your kind words and continued encouragement. Thinking of you and praying.

  2. Our bodies are His temples. Thanks, Katherine for putting the work in to bring about this message. God bless!

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