Jesus Filters

Jesus Filters

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False Insecurities

“No one will ever choose you.”

“You should not have said that. You only pushed them further away.”

“Keep trying, but you will never succeed.”

“No one wants to see what you share on social media. I don’t know why you keep trying.”

“You will never experience healing.”

Do any of these phrases of insecurity sound like statements you have heard circulate through your mind. Do you often feel defeated before you ever begin? I have.

I have fought my own battles of insecurities for as long as I can remember, and no matter how hard I try to remind myself of the truth of what God says about me, I often struggle to believe it.

As I have wrestled with this, I have asked God over and over why this struggle is so hard and there is only one thing I can come up with, and that is, the enemy is good at what he does. The enemy of God wants nothing more than to watch us suffer and fall further from the truth. All we have to do is look around at the culture today and see how many people are struggling with their identities, to see what huge a battle this is.

God Loves You

Time and time again, scripture tells us how loved we are by God, how beautifully and wonderfully He made us. Yet, we lose our joy while trying to find our place in the world. Over 300 times, the Bible uses the word love and many of those are regarding God’s love for us.

Scripture tells us how loved we are by God, how beautifully and wonderfully He made us. Yet, we lose our joy while trying to find our place in the world. Over 300 times, the Bible uses the word love and many of those are regarding… Share on X
Ephesians 3:19 NLT

“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.”

Ephesians 3:18-19 NLT

It is through the love of Jesus that makes us complete. Isn’t that beautiful? Don’t you want to be in this place of fulfillment?

Jesus Filters

A good friend of mine who has a powerful prayer ministry (learn about it here) always prays for me to have Jesus filters over my ears. By this she means to silence voice of the enemy, and only the still small voice of God would penetrate through.

When I feel overwhelmed with insecurities, I pray for the Jesus filters to cover my ears. I pray, “Lord, let me only hear Your truth. Let me know exactly what You say about me, and block out any noise the enemy would try to… Share on X

When I feel overwhelmed with insecurities, I pray for the Jesus filters to cover my ears. I pray, “Lord, let me only hear Your truth. Let me know exactly what You say about me, and block out any noise the enemy would try to infiltrate with.”

Trust me. It works! God is so good.

Stop Living Small

Several months ago, I saw an author I had met at my first writing conference, post about a new book she was about to release, “Stop Living Small,” and had an application to fill out for participating in her launch team. A launch team is a group that helps you promote your book at the time of release.

I wanted to be on a launch team, so I would know what to do when the time comes for me to launch a book. My insecurities welled up and thoughts of never getting chosen swam through my head, but I pushed forward and applied. She chose me.

When I applied, I knew very little about the book I had offered to help promote. When I began reading an advanced copy, I knew there was much more to this book, and I wanted to read it along with others. So I started the 10 Week Stop Living Small Challenge.

We are close to finishing the book and I only speak for myself, but it has helped me see areas where I need to pray for Jesus filters to protect my ears, and ultimately my heart. I have seen areas of my life where I am not living to my fullest because I have allowed my insecurities to get in the way. God used the words of Mary Demuth to touch my heart and transform the way I think about myself.

John 8:32 NLT

The only requirements for participating on the launch team were to read the book, share it once on social media, and write an honest review. I did not have to write this post. I am writing it, because I feel it would be a disservice to you not to share a book that has helped me to stop living small and live into what God has called me to do.

Freedom In Christ

Many people will experience freedom in Christ when they read, “Stop Living Small.” It is full of her personal stories, biblical truths, and questions to help you dig a little deeper so you can seek deliverance from what holds you back. This book is good for both personal reading and for small groups.

I know many people will experience freedom in Christ when they read, "Stop Living Small." It is full of personal stories, biblical truths, and questions to help you dig a little deeper so you can seek deliverance from what holds… Share on X

It has been a long time since I have read a book, other than the Bible) that has had this kind of impact on me. If you would like more information, you can click the link below. Once you read it, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Stop Living Small by Mary Demuth

Find out more about “Stop Living Small.” Click Here.


“Lord, I thank you so much for the words you give us. Thank you for the scriptures, words you have given authors, and the words you share with us personally. I ask for each of those reading this today that they would hear your precious voice as well. I pray for your spiritual filters to block out the words of the enemy so that they can only hear your truth. Protect our hearts from attacks of insecurity, unworthiness, and not feeling loved. Let us to see ourselves as you see us, beautiful, created in the image of God. Strong because we have your strength, and courageous because through you, anything is possible. We want to live complete in your love. In Jesus’ Holy and precious name. Amen.”

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  1. Thank you for being transparent about the insecurities you face. You are right. We all face them, and it helps to know we are not alone. I work as a software developer and often I have to add filters to reports and integrations that allow only certain pieces of data to be included. I’ve never thought of a Jesus filter in this way before, but what a good strategy. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. That is such a great addition to the analogy. I was trying to think of different types of filters and never thought of computer filters.

  2. It’s so easy to fall prey to Satan’s lies. Thanks for this great reminder of who guards our hearts and minds (Phil 4:7). But it’s important to put on the filters that Jesus makes so readily available to us.

  3. Thank you for your wise words and encouragement!

  4. Identity crisis is a virus that penetrates the Christian community. We all suffer with these thoughts of insecurity. But Jesus is the anti-virus that kills those thoughts and shows us who we really are. Thanks for sharing about the book.

  5. “The enemy is good at what he does.” So very true! I love the concept of using “Jesus filters” to help separate His truth from the enemy’s lies. Thank you for that! I’ve also seen some things on IG about Stop Living Small. I enjoy her posts and authenticity so much; I need to look more closely at the book.

  6. “Jesus filters over our ears…” What a wonderful thought! We need those–at least I know I do. Thank you for sharing about Mary’s book, Stop Living Small. It is now on my list to read.

  7. Thank you for reminding us to believe God’s words instead of Satan’s lies and our own thoughts. Excellent

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