Jesus, Our Healer

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“He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed”.
1 Peter 2:4 NLT
Long Healthy Lives
Growing up, I thought my family would live forever. My great-grandmother, both grandmothers and one grandfather, all lived well into their nineties. We were healthy. No one in my immediate family ever got sick.
During college, I worked as a personal trainer, got a degree in Exercise Science, then began running marathons. I had three successful pregnancies. As the kids grew up, there were a few accidents and a couple of bouts with the flu, but nothing drastic.
Everything Changed
Then one day, I got a call from my mom that my dad was not doing well. Since everyone in our family that I had known lived long healthy lives, I thought, this too shall pass. It did, but not how I expected. My dad passed away nine-months later to a rare disease called Light Chain Deposition Disease.
Two years after, my son began showing odd symptoms. After a week in the hospital and many tests, the doctor released him to play football. As the summer progressed, his health deteriorated. I took him back to the doctor and asked her to check everything. Four days later, I got a call, and the doctor said, “Do not let him move. He cannot get his heart rate elevated or he may go into an arythmia we cannot fix.” A few tests later, we found out he had Graves Disease, and a short time after that, his doctor diagnosed him with Celiac Disease.
Three years later, (six years ago this month) I began having strange symptoms (read more here). After three months of rigorous testing, I found out I had Lyme Disease and a few co-infections.
Trying To Stay Strong
I wish I could say I held strong to my faith and never questioned God about these diseases, but that would be a lie. Losing my dad had me face down on the floor, crying out to God, asking why He would take such a great man away.
Learning my son faced a disease that would affect him for the rest of his life brought out the mama bear in me. I would ask God so many times why He would allow this to happen to my son. Why did a young child have to suffer?
My diagnosis set me on a downward spiral of pity parties and grief (read more here). I want to be truly honest here because I know many of you struggle with similar situations. I never doubted God could heal my dad, my son, or myself, but there were many times I felt forgotten.
Feeling Like God Passed Me By
I would go to services and watch God heal others while I sat there unchanged. I heard pastors talk about healing and then never offer to pray. So many people prayed for me. I would see glimpses of hope, and then find myself back in bed once again, asking God if He had passed me by. I felt disappointment after disappointment.
I felt like the woman who had bled for twelve years. We had spent all of our money on doctors to still be sick. She knew there was One who could heal, and she did everything in her power to reach out and touch His cloak. I read this story over and over and prayed continuously, envisioning myself reaching for His cloak.
“As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.”
Luke 8:42-44 NIV
But God
My Dad received a heavenly healing. This is not the healing we all want for our loved ones, but what a healing it was for him. God miraculously healed my son for one year to the day from Graves Disease before symptoms returned. When I started questioning God, He reminded me, “I’ve got this.”
Five years after his diagnosis, we had his thyroid removed, and he has had no problem since with Graves. Last month, God miraculously healed him from Celiac. Watch his testimony below.
A few years ago, God miraculously healed me from Babesia (read more here). I was alone in my room when He healed me. I have not had an issue with Babesia since. But I would often ask, “Why just one disease, God?” Why did He not heal them all? I had to remember to be thankful for every step forward.
Two months ago, I received healing over my legs (read here). All the nerve damage Lyme had done healed over three days. I again asked God, “Why did you not finish the job?” I again remember to be thankful for every step.
If you follow me on social media, you would have seen that I have started a walking challenge through the Global Lyme Alliance. Every step brings such joy because I know it is only through Jesus, the healer, that I can do so.
Learn more about the challenge here.
When Will God Answer?
I am sure many of you have felt this same way at some point, whether it be healing or another one of life’s struggles. Do you feel you have prayed and prayed and you’re just waiting, wondering if God will ever answer? Have others commented on your lack of faith because you have not received healing? Have people stopped praying with you because they have not seen God answer?
These things are hard and make you want to scream, cry, and will even cause you to doubt your faith. I want to join with you right now and encourage you to keep pressing in to God. I have learned that through every pain, every breathless moment, every tear, God has brought me that much closer. God has brought me to a place I would never have been with Him had I not gone through the muck to get there.
Today, wherever you are, know Jesus, the healer, wants to set you free from the diseases of this world. He wants to lift you out of the mud and the mire and set your feet on solid ground. He wants to heal you to an even more perfected state. Please keep asking. Never give up. Jesus never said no to healing.

Scriptures On Healing
This printable is full of scriptures on healing and how to pray them over yourself.
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What a beautiful testimony of perseverance and faith, Jen. I knew some of your story with Lyme, but not all the details of your family. Thank you for sharing. Continuing to pray.
Your testimony of hope and perseverance in faith is inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
I Love thinking about God as our great healer. I look forward to my final healing when I go home. Thanks for the encouraging message Jennifer