Love Letters From The Heart Of God

Love Letters Hebrew Alphabet

A Love Language From God

We have arrived at our final letter, the Tav ת. The letters are a beautiful love language from God. I could never have expected a more intricate look into the heart of God before I began studying them. Each letter felt like it unveiled another aspect of God. It felt like He was revealing more of His character to me. I hope it felt the same for you.

Before we look at the last letter, the Tav, I want to take you on a quick journey through the Hebrew Alphabet. Each letter that is pink, if clicked, will take you to the post where I shared it more in depth. I urge you to read through them all when you have the time. I pray that as you read each letter, the Lord will reveal more of Himself to you.

A Glimpse Of Jesus

We begin with the Alef א, where we find God reaching down to us and desiring to have unity with us. The Alef א gives us our first glimpse of Jesus. He binds us together with our creator.

Ephesians 1:3 NLT

“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.”

Ephesians 1:3 NLT

He Chases After Us

Then, through the Bet ב, God invites us into His dwelling place. He invites us to be with Him, dwell with Him and rest in His holy presence. The Gimel ג reminds us God is constantly chasing after us. He seeks after us to give us good gifts. Gifts that will bless us but also be used for the building of His kingdom.

We receive a divine invitation with the Daleth ד. He invites us to enter the spiritual realm with Him. A place to see beyond what is right before us. A place to gain guidance, wisdom, and learn of hidden things. The Hei ה teaches us to accept the invitations and enter the narrow gate. The invitation to accept Jesus as our savior.

From this place of accepting Jesus, we experience the Vav ו, a connection between Heaven and Earth. Our lives transform. We live as a new creation in Him. It is through Him that He gives us an invitation to rest with the Zayin ז. In our rest, we rejuvenate and find new beginnings through the Cheth ח. The Teth ט then takes us to a good place. A place in His presence where He examines our hearts and teaches us to search within ourselves and get rid of things that are not of Him.

Looking Heavenward

The Yod י sits high to remind us to keep looking Heavenward. In our persistence of looking towards Heaven and emptying our hearts of what is not of Him, we receive the Kaph כ, knowledge from God. He fills us back up with the things of Heaven.

In this place of fullness, we can do nothing else but worship Him. The Lamed ל shows us how to worship and helps us to find Jesus through our praise. The Mem מ takes us that next step deeper. In this state of worship, God wants us to step that little bit closer. In this place, the Nun נ is our accepting of the knowledge revealed to us in these precious moments of worship.

Experience The Miraculous

With our hearts full of the Spirit, we experience the miraculous. We are in the shelter of the most high a place where anything can happen. The Ayin ע reminds us God is always watching over us. He is the One who sees. In this shelter, He speaks words of comfort over us. He has us in a place to receive the baptism of His Holy Spirit.

We receive a divine invitation through the Tsadi צ. An invitation to be humble before Him. He invites us to put ourselves aside so that He can use us to our full potential. In this precious place of humility, we repent. The Qoph ק reminds us of His holiness and our need to remain clean in His presence. The Shin ש prompts us to repetitively do the things that transform us.


These letters bring us to the Tav ת where we can sit at the foot of the cross free and forgiven. The Tav ת means truth and restoration. It is the last letter in the word truth and the first letter in the word restoration. We see in John that Jesus is the truth and in 1 Peter; we see just one way Jesus restores us.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32 NLT

John 8:32 NLT

“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.”

1Peter 5:10 NLT

I found it beautifully said on

“Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Meaning mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. It represents the restoration Tikkun תיקון of all of existence. It is a return to the essence and purpose of one’s life. It represents completion, before beginning again with the original Oneness of the Aleph.”


The first letter, the Alef א, represents man laying on his back reaching up. The last letter, the Tav ת is a picture of man, in the fullness of Christ, standing sending things to Heaven. It represents the fullness of our relationship with God.

What does it mean to send things up to Heaven? This is our prayers, our petitions, our praise. He longs to hear our hearts cry out to Him. Our prayers are worship.

“And when he took the scroll, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they held gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.” Revelation 5:8 NLT Share on X

“And when he took the scroll, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they held gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.”

Revelation 5:8 NLT

When we sing songs of praise and worship, we are sending up incense before the throne of God. What a beautiful picture. It warms my heart and encourages me to want to pray more when I visualize my prayers in this way.

The Tav ת is the last letter, but it is not the end. It directs us right back to the beginning, where the cycle continues. Each time we cycle around, we draw closer to the heart of God.

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  1. Jennifer, thanks for sharing the deeper meaning of the Hebrew alphabet. We do get a clearer picture of God through these symbols.

  2. Jen, this is very interesting and a good reminder that God uses the things of this world to point to Himself and our need for Him. Even the letters of the alphabet. Thank you!

  3. This series has been so interesting and inspiring. I hope to go back and read them all since I didn’t join until you were well into it. Thank you for taking the time and effort to educate us on this beautiful and meaningful alphabet. The connection you make between the Hebrew language and Jesus is a message of assurance.

  4. Thank you for sharing all your insights into the different letters of the Hebrew alphabet and how we can know the heart of the Father better though each one. Blessings.

    1. Thank you for your comment Joanna. I am really sad to be done with the letters. I learned so much from writing that series.

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