
Change Priorities Ahead - British Road sign

Would you rather listen than read? Listen here.

Differences In The English Language

My husband is from Wales, which has given me the opportunity to travel to the UK multiple times. Each time we visit, the differences in the English language always intrigues me.

For Example:

In the US, we call where we park cars, a parking lot, and they call it a car park. We call our large rolling trash cans, garbage cans and they call them wheely bins. They call diapers, nappies and strollers, prams. The list goes on.

Over the last week, we have traveled between England and Wales visiting family and friends. The street signs differ from American ones and are often strangely worded. Well, at least to me. To make it even more confusing, all the signs in Wales are in both Welsh and English.

As we drove through Wales, we came upon a red sign that said, “Changed Priorities Ahead.” Before reading further, (for all of my American readers) can you guess what the sign means? Write your answers in the comments.

Changed Priorities Ahead - Welsh Road sign
It means is there is a new traffic pattern and the cars having the right of way will be different.

Changed Priorities Ahead

This sign made me giggle and ponder a bit. Thinking about the books of the Bible, Exodus through Joshua, every time the Israelites did what God commanded, they succeeded in what they were doing. When they attempted to do everything on their own, they failed. When situations arose and they took the time to inquire what God would want, God blessed their endeavors.

This has really challenged me to look at my priorities, and ask myself if I check in with God and see if they align with His and what He has planned for me. What priorities do I need to adjust to follow His path for me? I do great with this on big decisions like buying a house, or where we should serve. It is in the day-to-day actions that I need to pray about more.

Pray In Everything

I love when I watch people who inquire with God about everything. I had the privilege of meeting Kim Meeder, whose written multiple books, and she asks God what to do before doing anything. She has a phrase she lives by, “Pray, Listen, Do.” You can see her books here.

If she needs groceries, she will ask God which grocery store to go to. Then, as she shops, she will ask God if there is somebody He would have her speak to. She shares incredible stories of what God has done when she prays about everything. I even witnessed it for myself when I went to a conference she spoke at and before answering questions or deciding what to say next, you could see her asking God.

Putting God First

It is hard to put our busyness and to-do list aside and put what God would want first. I know I get focused on all I need to get done and forget that God might have put someone in my path to encourage, hug, or even share a smile with. We are called to “Go and make disciples of all nations.”

Making ourselves vulnerable and open to going and doing what God wants is hard. We have to step out of our comfort zones to move into what God wants. There was nothing comfortable about what the Israelites were called to do. After living in the desert for forty years, they were to go in and conquer the land.

Following God Even When It Does Not Make Sense

God gave precise directions on what to do and when they did exactly what He said, they overcame. Marching around the walls of Jericho for six days and then on the seventh day to walk around them seven times made little sense until the walls came tumbling down. (Joshua 6)

When God said, “Do not be afraid,” to Joshua before heading into enemy territory where the men were stronger and more in number made little sense until God said, “I will give them into your hands.” (Joshua 10:8 NIV) God even made the sun stand still for a full day on Joshua’s behalf so they could win. The scripture continues by saying, “Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel.” (Joshua 10:14 NIV)

Many times, what God says to do makes little sense until we see the fullness of what He does.

The chapter concludes by saying, “All these kings and their lands Joshua conquers in one campaign, because the Lord, the God of Israel, fought for Israel.” (Joshua 10:42)

When Our Priorities Align With His

What would happen if we continued to inquire with God each step of our day? Would the Lord put someone on our heart that we need to pray for? Would He nudge us to call a friend who might be struggling? Maybe He would slow us down to notice someone who needs a smile just to know someone noticed them.

One time I was driving on a not so great side of town and it was pouring with rain. At a stop sign, I noticed a woman, a city worker, clearing a drain to prevent flooding. As I passed her, the Lord clearly said to me to go and hug her. I thought that sounded like the dumbest idea. One it was pouring rain, two my infant daughter was in her car seat in the back, and third it was uncomfortable.

The further I drove, the more I felt the need to turn around. I told God if He wanted me to talk to her, He would have to turn the car around. He did! I had seen nothing like it before. The steering wheel turned on its own. My heart pounded as I headed back to the stop sign. I got out in the rain and walked over to her. I told her God wanted me to stop and give her a hug. She looked at me awkwardly and then her eyes teared up. She said that day was her birthday, and she really needed a hug.

My priority had been to get where I needed to go. God’s priority was to make this lady feel loved. I could not have come up with that on my own, but God did something amazing in the life of that woman that day. He let her know He saw her and I am so glad I was the vessel. I want more opportunities to do that for others, but I still find it hard to step out of my comfort zone.

Joshua 21:45 says, “Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” If God places something on our hearts, He will not just leave us hanging. He will give the words and the strength to do what He has asked us to do.

Joshua 21:45 says, “Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” If God places something on our hearts, He will not just leave us hanging. He will give the words and the strength to do what He… Share on X

Just imagine how different and amazing life could be if we each stepped out in this kind of faithfulness and aligned all of our priorities with His. I would love to hear how God has nudged you before to do something unexpected for another, or how someone has done that for you.

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  1. Christina says:

    Glad y’all made it back to Wales!
    Just played catch up on some of your recent blog posts- one in particular caught my eye. ?
    Today’s post was such a timely mention of asking God before doing even the mundane or uncomfortable tasks. I’m gonna share with my women’s group at church as we’re currently on Week 5 of Priscilla Shirer’s Armor of God bible study- which all actually circles back to PRAYER.
    Enjoy all the proper English things while you’re across the pond!

    1. I wondered if you would see that post. I miss you! I am so glad this post was worthy of sharing. I love Priscilla’s books.

  2. I had the pleasure of visiting London a few years ago, and as you described the traffic signs I recalled how strange riding on the left side of the road was. We never attempted it! The tube and taxis worked just fine for us. Fond memories. I love the connection you make with Changed Priorities ahead. We do need to allow God to change our priorities through prayer.

    1. Candyce, Since that is where my husband learned to drive there, we rented a van and he drove. It freaked the kids out with how busy the roundabouts and it took me a while not to jump because everything felt backward. If he were not with me it would be all taxis and the tube.

  3. I’ve never considered praying about what grocery store to go to, but when you explained how Kim Meeder looks for opportunities to witness, it made perfect sense. How can God let us know His priorities for us if we don’t ask Him, listen for His guidance, and do what He says. Loved your message. Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Great sign, Jen! That’s one I could put on my bathroom mirror to remind myself every day. Thanks for the message.

  5. Jeannie Waters says:

    Jennifer, as an English language teacher, I loved your post and chuckled at the sign you mentioned. Thank you for including examples from Scripture about God’s guidance. He led me to start a small Bible study group for second language learners. I thought of reasons why I couldn’t do that, but God showed me how He could. What a blessing!

    1. Jeannie, I love that. When I lived in Houston, in an apartment complex, I was one of the few that English was my first language. Many of the families were there for their husbands’ jobs and they left the wife at home and she often spoke little to no English. They always seemed so lonely because they spoke different languages from the other wives. Had God not moved us to Montana, I wanted to figure out a way to start a group for all the women.

  6. Sometimes God’s instructions don’t make sense because we try to figure them out with our minds instead of looking into the Spirit. Thanks for the post. I spent some time in England and heard some of those phrases too. “Mind the gap,” before boarding the train still rings in my ears!

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