The Gift Of Service

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Acts of Service
Lately, I have spent more time with one of my friends. I go to her home weekly and I often see her mother in passing. Last week, when I saw her mom, she said she had come by to see her grandkids and to walk the dog. The time before that she had cleaned my friend’s house. On other occasions, I have seen her help with yard work or doing odd jobs around the house. I had never seen someone serve another person, even a daughter, in quite the same way.
One day, I reminded my friend of what an amazing mom she had. She reminded me that acts of service was her mom’s love language. The more I have learned about this wonderful woman, I can see it’s more than her love language, but her gift. She serves the Lord by serving others. Watching her has shown me more of how I want to live my life, both as a mom and to those around me.
The gifts God gives us are for the building of His kingdom and they should set us apart from others. They should make others desire what we have. When I watch this mom, serve her daughter, it looks different, and it’s beautiful. I know without a doubt that others in my friend’s neighborhood are watching and she has become a witness to what living in Christ looks like.
Serving In Our Western Culture
Serving others in our culture has become far from the norm. Most of us have a goal of making enough money to have others serve us. We often look down upon those that serve us in restaurants, stores and other places people offer services. If you don’t think this is true, go wait tables for a day. You will quickly see how most people in service positions get treated.
With this cultural perspective, when we see someone serve without pay, it speaks volumes. In the time of Jesus, one of the lowest positions of a servant was to wash the feet of those that entered a home. Washing your feet was common since they often wore sandals and did not want to track the dirt in their homes. In John 13, right before the betrayal of Jesus, we see Him wash His disciples’ feet. He then tells us to do the same.
Jesus’ Teachings on Service
“When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”
John 13:12-17 NIV
God calls all of us to serve one another. Then, for some of us, He goes further and gives them the gift of service. It’s incredible to watch these people. They are always on the move. You can often find them cleaning up after a meal, volunteering at non-profits, or offering to help in various ways.
“If it is serving, then serve.”
Romans 12:7 NIV
The Gift Of Service
The gift of service, as defined in Romans 12, is not just an action, but a calling. It’s an action of outpouring in response to the grace given to us. God has given each of us gifts, and we are to use them diligently and cheerfully (Romans 12:6-8). The gift of service, or ‘diakonia’ in the original Greek, goes beyond mere assistance. It’s an active dedication to the needs of others.
Romans 12 encourages active discipleship. We are called to be His hands and feet. The gift of service is a profound expression of our spiritual worship, a testimony to the transformation that the Gospel brings into our lives. It’s in our service to others that our faith becomes visible, tangible, and effective.
Sincerity And Love
Do you have the gift of service? I would love to hear some ways God has prompted you to serve others. The gift of service can take on many forms. It can be as simple as providing a meal, or as complex as leading others in service organizations. The measure of service is not what’s important, but the sincerity and love in which it’s done in. If this is a gift you recognize in yourself, I urge you to pray for God to maximize it. I pray He gives you the courage to serve everyone He leads you too, even those that may be hard to serve. When we step out, living the Word of God, we will see lives transformed and the body of Christ magnified.
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I Love to serve others! I’ve helped in vacation Bible school before. About 2 years ago I helped take care of my mother for 3 years. She had alzheimers. It was exhausting but very rewarding as we kept her out of the nursing home and around family and friends. I sure do miss my mom.