Unwavering Love

Unwavering Love

A Heart-Stopping Moment of Bravery

I promise you this is not a political post. A few weeks ago, I sat stunned as the words ‘Breaking News’ flashed across the screen. The assassination attempt on former President Trump had just occurred. The news had not yet understood what happened and, like most Americans, we sat watching to see what was going on.

Then the replays began. As we intently watched the first of the replays, I was shocked to see how the Secret Service surrounded the former president. They physically made a wall around him to walk him out. I watched, astounded. I could not imagine putting myself in the direct line of fire for someone else, not knowing if another shot would come.

Whether the Secret Service as a whole did what they should have that day or not, that’s not my call to make, but those eight to twelve individuals who surrounded Donald Trump put me in awe. I sat wondering if I could have done that. Would I have done that for my family or a friend? Then, in His sweet whisper, the Lord said, “That is what I did for you.”

The Ultimate Act of Selfless Love

Oh, how the Lord can bring me close with His tender voice. We rarely see acts of selflessness like that in our world. Yes, I know the Secret Service is paid and trained to do that, but few would still do it. That day, amongst the chaos, God reminded me of all He did for me.

In the past five weeks of our study on living courageously surrendered with servant hearts, we were reminded of all Jesus did for us. He came off His throne at the right hand of God to come to earth to live and experience every single thing we experience.

Jesus gave up His heavenly position to fulfill the lowliest of positions in washing feet. He suffered persecution, healed the sick, gave dignity to the shamed, delivered people from evil and so much more. Jesus took the beating on our behalf and He hung on the cross, dying for each of us to save us from the fate we all deserve.

“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”

John 13:13-17 NIV

His Heart Broke For You

When I look around our world, I do not see many selfless acts, nor do I find any other belief system in which God would give up His throne for mere mortals. My daughter taught in our “Ignite Your Faith” class that when Jesus hung on the cross, His heart burst. Doctors have studied the effects of deaths by crucifixion and the water coming from His side and say His heart physically burst. Jesus’ heart broke for you.

When my daughter reminded me of that, tears came to my eyes. I cannot imagine a love so strong that Jesus’s heart would break for me and for you. His love surpasses anything our minds can comprehend. Even those that could not give up earthly things, He still loved.

Jesus looked at him and loved him.

Mark 10:21 NIV

Experiencing Divine Intervention

Not only did Jesus show us unwavering love by dying for our salvation, but He still protects us and walks with us today. I have heard many stories of God supernaturally protecting people and have experienced this for myself. When I was in junior high, a man tried to kidnap me. As he approached he heard a noise and hurried away. I know the Lord made that noise that scared him off. When traveling to the middle east I had tried to meet up with someone for three days and every day we hit a road block. I later found out that where I tried to go was the most dangerous area of the city and I had no business going there. I know the Lord stopped me.

In the same way those courageous men and women stood around the former president, I know God still does that for us today. Jesus not only loves us to save us but to walk with us every day, guiding us and protecting us.

I would love to hear some of your stories of times you know when God protected you. Please share your stories in the comments.

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