Who Is The Dragon In Revelation?

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For The Love Of Wales
My husband loves a certain red dragon, the Welsh dragon. During the World Cup, he proudly wrapped the Welsh flag around himself and walked around the restaurant where we watched the Welsh soccer team play.
Whenever someone mentions the movie Mulan, he reminds us that artists designed Mushu, the dragon after the Welsh dragon. He knows every fact you could imagine about the Welsh. I don’t think I have ever met anyone more proud of their heritage than my husband.
Dragons like Mushu, and the one from Shrek, have given us fun images of dragons, however there is a dragon that has nothing but contempt for God’s people. His ultimate desire is to pull as many people away from God as possible.
The Red Dragon
Chapter twelve of Revelation paints a picture of a war between a dragon and a woman. There are several ideas about who this woman is, but I would lean towards the idea that she represents the church. If this is correct, we have a graphic picture of the dragon’s contempt towards the church, those that make up the body of Christ.
The Bible describes the dragon as red and enormous, and to have seven heads, ten horns, and a crown on each head. We also read of his tail sweeping a third of the stars from the sky. Unlike many creatures and groups mentioned in Revelation that leave us on edge wondering who they could be, this dragon leaves no doubt of the identity of who he is.
“The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.”
Revelation 12:9 NIV
The Fall Of Satan
Between the trumpet and bowl judgements, John has a vision of what most likely took place before creation. Most of us have heard of the fall of Satan, and here it is. I find it interesting too, that with all the unknowns of Revelation that John gives us no room to wonder here. He gives many names that readers would know Satan by, so it does not leave us with any doubt.
Now that we know who the dragon is, and that he intends to harm or pull away from God as many as possible, we need to heed the warnings God gives us to stand firm against any of the enemy’s tactics.
God has given us two commandments to follow until He returns. They are to love one another and to go and make disciples of all nations. This means our job is to share the love of Jesus with as many people as possible before we die.
What is the enemy’s tactic to stop us from doing this? I bet you would all say the same thing, fear. I don’t mean the fear that makes you terrified, like being afraid of the dark, but fear of the unknown. What will that person think of me if I share this with them? Will they think I am crazy? Will they still want to be my friend? And the list goes on.
We build up many scenarios in our head of what could happen when, more than likely, none of it will happen. Now, prayerfully, going into these conversations is best. Ask God to prepare their heart. Pray for the right timing. Ask Him for the right words. Remember, He wants you to have success more than you do. It is His heart for all to join Him for eternity.
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
2 Peter 3:9 NIV
I want to know that I spent my time praying and listening to God and doing what He wants, then to fall into the fear and lies the enemy may whisper to get me to fall back in senseless trepidation. Satan has done an amazing job at silencing the church.
The Armor Of God
God also gives us armor to use to stand firm against anything the enemy would try to throw at us.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
Ephesians 6:10-11 NIV
I want to encourage you to read this entire section of scripture, Ephesians 6:10-19 God gives us exactly what we need.
Now, what I don’t want you to gain from this is to look and try to find the devil in everything. As my husband says, “Many Christians are more worried about how someone is getting to hell than the fact that they are going to hell.”
Are you ready to have your mind blown? I was at a restaurant the other evening, and we were asking the server about his biblical name. He shared a little about himself and mentioned telling a friend about how God created the earth. The friend asked how he would know such things and he was like, “Dude, it’s in the Bible.” You want to know this guy’s response? It was, “What is the Bible?”
YES! In the USA, there are many people who still do not know what the Bible is, and that number is growing and that breaks my heart.
We need to be aware of the devil’s tactics, but more aware that God desires for all of us to spend eternity with Him. If you will step out in faith and share Him with as many as possible, I know God will honor your efforts.

I agree with you, Jen, that fear is the primary culprit that prevents us from sharing the Good News of Jesus with others. It’s so sad that more and more people are unaware of God’s great love for them and what is needed for salvation. Thank you for reminding us that, as believers, we are called, commissioned, obligated to share the love of Christ with others.