Wrestling With God: Trusting His Plan and Purpose

Wrestling With God

My Toddlers Tantrum

My oldest daughter was a classic textbook child. She was a perfect little angel until she hit two-years-old and, like a switch, the tantrums began. The day she turned three, the tantrums ended and the ‘why’ questions began. It was like she had an instinct within her that knew when the next phase should begin.

One of these days in her twos, I went to the mall with her and one of my husband’s friend that had come to visit from the UK. As soon as I pulled into the parking space, I realized I had forgotten the stroller. We all three got out of the car and she and I walked hand-in-hand, headed for the store. As soon as we entered the store, the meltdown began.

The screaming and the rolling around did not seem to be enough to embarrass me. She then began kicking the emergency exit, which sounded an alarm with every whack. I had never seen such a site and was trying everything I had learned in the parenting classes I had taken. Nothing worked.

I told our guest that he could meet me in the car when he finished. As I walked across the parking lot with this screaming, wiggling toddler, she wormed her way out of my arms. Where once again, she managed to throw herself down on the ground and scream.

When we got to the car, I just cried. The entire scene overwhelmed me and I did not know what started it or why it continued. Then, as quick as it started, I said her name, and she looked at me and it was over.

All of you have probably experienced this at one time or another. Whether it was your own child or someone else’s. When we look at it, we think what on earth is wrong with that child. And then if we look inward, we can see it in ourselves.

Wrestling With God

When God put on my heart to travel to the middle east, I was the perfect two-year-old. Instead of screaming, I gave all the reasons it was irresponsible of me to go. Instead of kicking, I became stubborn. And then, like the two-year-old turning three, the whys began. Why do I need to go? Why can’t you send someone else? And then, just like I said my daughter’s name to get her attention, God looked at me and said, “Jen. I have got this. Just trust me.”

In Genesis 32, we read of Jacob wrestling with God. This is such a great picture of how we all behave at some point on our walk with the Lord. He may ask us to do something and we kick and scream the entire way.

Recognizing God’s Touch

In this biblical narrative, we read of Jacob staying alone on the opposite side of the river from his family. A man comes, and he wrestles with him until daybreak. At this point in the story, we do not know who the man is. Then the man reaches down, touches Jacob’s hip, and he loses because of the pain.

We know this has to be God because of the power of debilitating Jacob with one touch and that He changed Jacob’s name to Israel. These are things only God can do. It makes me wonder though how long Jacob fought until he realized who he was fighting with.

When God touched his hip, it had to be much like when God says our name. Like when I said my daughter’s name, and it got her attention, sometimes I can see us wrestling and then in the turmoil we hear our name and focus on Him. His still small voice comes to us even when we are fighting Him the most.

You can feel a sense of struggle in all the patriarchs as they follow a God that differs completely from all others in their polytheistic society they lived in. The gods people worshipped were gods of nature, fertility, and protection. Our God wants to have a relationship with each of us and each of our patriarchs felt pressure from those around them in the same way the world comes against Jesus today.

Jacob wrestled God throughout his life, trying to do his own thing, trying to make his own way. But God walked in step with him and blessed him, protected him, and used him to fulfill the covenant he made with Abraham, Isaac and now Jacob.

Trusting God’s Plan

I have to ask, what might you be fighting God on today? Has He asked you to do something that in counter cultural? Did He ask you to do something you know cause division between you and your friends? Has He asked you to do something that scares you and you’re worried about how you will do it?

God is calling your name. He is touching your hip to get your attention. He wants you to keep your eyes completely focused on Him and to trust Him. Keep praying and asking for His direction. Let Him hold your hand and walk with Him step-by-step. He will bless you, protect you and use you to fulfill His purpose.

Remember, God’s ways are not our ways. It’s time to unleash what God has called you to do. It’s time to step out in faith and obey His voice, even if it seems difficult. Remember, God’s got you.

Beauty Yu Collagen

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  1. I think most of us have had the experience of a toddler meltdown–maybe even a teenager or an adult meltdown. Your analogy is a good one to remind us to self-reflect, to examine and see where we are resisting God’s call to action. Sometimes the pathway seems so clear and it’s easy to step out and follow Him boldly. At other times, it’s dark and scary and we’re afraid and ask “Why?” You’ve made me stop and think–not sure whether to say “thank you” or whine and say “Why?”
    Thanks, Jen.

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