You Are A Treasured Possession

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Matthew 28:19

I read a book by one of my favorite authors, Mark Batterson, while on a flight to California. Sam and I planned to meet with a church for a job opportunity. Each place we have lived, God has given me a scripture for that place. As we traveled, I felt discouraged because I had not yet received a scripture.

When I opened the book, the verse Matthew 28:19 jumped off the page at me. I knew without a doubt that this was my new scripture. I turned to Sam and with excitement said, “this scripture will hang by the door of the church we were supposed to serve.” This was not something I thought of on my own, but knew God spoke it through me.

The verse was nowhere at the church in California, but when we came to Montana a month later, I walked into the sanctuary and right next to the door hung a banner with Matthew 28:19 inscribed on it. I love God’s confirmations. To this day, that scripture holds a special place in my heart.

To make this even more of a God moment, a year later, I picked the book back up and the scripture was not in it. God had me see what was not there for His plan.

Now Imagine With Me…

What would the world look like today if everyone on Earth truly followed Jesus? I’m not talking about just church attenders, or those that do good, but a world full of people sold out for Jesus.

Can you imagine it? People would take care of one another and love one another without judgment. We would remain in a state of prayer and rely on God’s guidance for everything. I believe the presence of God would be palpable. The Garden of Eden was the closest two people ever got to this.

The Great Commission

Jesus shares the great commission in Matthew 28:19.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Matthew 28:19 NIV

Scripture image: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 NIV
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 NIV #greatcommission Share on X

We will never have this type of utopia this side of eternity, but how different do you think life would be if all Christians lived the great commission to its fullest? A study performed by the Barna group revealed that 51% of churchgoers had never heard of the great commission, 25% had heard of it, but did not know what it meant. Only 17% of churchgoers knew the term and what it means.

A People Set Apart

In the old testament, we see God bring His people out of Egypt and set them apart. He taught them the laws for protection and to live in a way that would make them unique to all other nations. God led them through the wilderness by a pillar of cloud and fire.

The book of Deuteronomy retells the law. He does not do this because they had forgotten, but because this was a completely new generation. The original 600,000+ that had left Egypt had all died except for three: Moses, Caleb, and Joshua. Moses is retelling the law to this new generation.

The nations surrounding them heard of them as they made their way through the desert and were afraid of them. They knew these people were different and their God was with them. Some Kings even tried to send people to curse them and they could not. God protected, provided, and prepared His people. He wanted all other nations to look upon Israel and see something special. God wanted them to look different, act differently, and live differently.

God protected, provided, and prepared His people. He wanted all other nations to look upon Israel and see something special. Share on X

Moses tells them…

“For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.”

Deuteronomy 7:6 NIV

Fulfill The Great Commission

Isn’t this what we should be like today? We (and I am saying this to myself) need to fulfill the great commission, not because we have to, but because we have something amazing to share with the world. We should not be able to contain ourselves with the power we carry within us.

As Christians, God does not ask us to follow the great commission, nor does He suggest it, but He commands us to, “Go and make disciples of all nations. We should love one another so much that we cannot resist sharing the love of Christ with them. I once heard atheist Penn Jillete say, “How much do you have to hate me? If you truly believe you have everlasting life, why would you not proselytize unless you hate me?” Ouch!

If all followers of Jesus practiced the great commission, can you stop and think what our neighborhoods, cities, and countries would look like? There would still be sin because we live this side of the fall, but our lives would be so much better.

How Can We Live Out The Great Commission?

There is not one clear cut way to do this. I have met people who met Jesus through televangelist, and some that met Jesus through a tract passed out on their college campus, and others from the man yelling in the square about Jesus coming back. This is not for most people, but God moves through it.

Be A Friend

In the past, our practice of evangelism is to invite them to church. In a world of so many who have been hurt by church, hurt by Christians, or have never gone, this makes them highly uncomfortable. We may find it a comfortable place to go, but many do not. Inviting them into your home or meeting them where they are comfortable might can produce a lot more fruit.

I once heard a corny phrase, but it is so true, “Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ.”

So how about asking someone to go out for coffee? Ask them about themselves. Don’t talk, but listen. Ask God when to share something about your faith or to wait and meet with them again. In the meantime, pray for them.

When we spend time with people, become friends, stand with them when life is great and when it’s hard. You will gain their trust and they will be so much more open to hearing your heart. They might even start asking you the right questions.

Let Others See What You Are For

Another time, I read a quote for Christians to let the world know what you are for and not for what you are against. I believe many Christians focus on the sins of our culture and what the church should stand against in place of sharing what Jesus is for.

Jesus is for salvation, comforting others, showing mercy, loving our neighbors, keeping peace, and so much more. He tells us in Matthew 5:14-16 NIV “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

God’s Treasured Possession

We are God’s treasured possessions, and He calls us to be set apart. It may look different to the way the Israelites lived, but He calls us to represent Him. When others see the joy of Christ radiating from us, they will want to know what we have that they are missing.

I challenge you to pray for God to show you a new person He wants you to pray for. That you will start a conversation with someone God places in your path. Ask them questions, learn more about them and see where God leads.

Remember, if He leads you to that person, He has already started preparing them to hear what He wants you to say.

Another way to share with others is to wear clothing or jewelry that expresses your faith. Elevated has lots of hoodies, shirts, jewelry, and journals that start conversations.

Elevated Faith Disciple bag

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  1. This is something I’ve been praying about–how to do this-so when I got to this part of your message: “We have something amazing to share with the world. We should not be able to contain ourselves with the power we carry within us”–I thought, God knew I needed this! Your suggestions for how are very helpful. Thank you for sharing this inspiring and hopeful message just when I needed it.

    1. This is a great thought for us to ponder. If everyone followed Jesus we would have a perfect world, yet we know it won’t happen until He sets up His kingdom. But this is our calling to expand that kingdom one person at a time.

    2. Kathereine, I am so glad you found it helpful. Writing this post really convicted me that I need to do more.

  2. CandyceCarden says:

    I certainly fall short in this area, but I keep trying. A Bible study called Radical on this topic opened my eyes a few years ago. You provide great suggestions here.

  3. What would it look like if everyone was sold out for Jesus? Wow! That would be awesome. Thanks for the challenging message. I just finished a study that had a similar message. I’ve been praying that I will be set apart for Him and this was a great reminder.

  4. Beautiful encouragement, Jen. Thank you! I have a sign in my living room that says “Stay Salty.” I picked it up at the craft store, and it was probably meant for someone’s nautical-themed decor. But to me, it is a daily reminder to be salt and light—and to not lose my saltiness.

  5. Thank you for encouraging us to fulfill the Great Commission. I am a naturally introvert person. My biggest struggle is to form and maintain relationships because my preference is to be “left alone”. I need to work on that so that I can show those relationships the love and grace of God.

    1. Laura, I am an introvert by nature as well. Once I have left work I am ready to be alone. Trying to find the balance is hard, but I will be praying for us both to find it.

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