You Are Loved
You Are Loved
Let me say it again, you are loved.
Whether you believe it or not, there is a creator out there who loves you even more than your mind can fathom.
God created you. This almighty being, who existed before time itself, who created time, created you. He took the time to speak you into being. He planned you. Whoever you are, whatever your background, He thought about all of it. Your heavenly Father planned every aspect of you. Your smile, your eyes, your giggle, and even that one weird thing you do that you might not like but makes you perfectly you. He thought of it all.
God Created You
God created the universe. He created planets, stars, and galaxies. He created trees, mountains, and oceans. The creator of everything we know and more created you. This is one of the biggest indications of a loving God. Among the countless things He created, you were one of them. This is a God who knows you. He knows you better than anyone else who knows you. He knows you better than you know yourself.
Perfect Love
This love is not the kind you see in the world today. This is not Rom-Com love, dating love, or “that puppy is so cute” love. It’s an overwhelming delight, containing so much passion and depth that our silly human brains cannot even begin to comprehend it. This is God’s divine adoration for you. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 tells us that love is patient and kind. It protects, hopes, and perseveres. It is not boastful, envious, proud, or selfish. Love does not dishonor others, it is not quick to anger, and it forgets wrongs. God is the perfect example of perfect love. (Read the full chapter here)
God cherishes you so much that He sent His only son to walk this broken earth for 33 years to experience human life and to die a gruesome death by crucifixion to save you from yourself. The crucifixion alone might be enough to show you how loved you are. If you need more, look to the rest of Christ’s life. He went through every single thing you have and ever will so that he could love you better. Christ lost those He cared about, was tempted to sin, friends betrayed him, and so much more. He did this so that you might know, without a doubt, that He knows what you’re going through. He went through 33 years of persecution and death on a cross, made worse with our sins’ weight, to show you how much he cares for you.
So Yes! You Are Loved.
What does that mean now? Accept it. Know you are loved. There are going to be days you don’t feel like you deserve it. That’s because, as broken people, we don’t deserve it. The thing is, Christ died on the cross to put us back together. What we need to do next is truly accept it, be thankful, and live like we know we are loved. God adores us, so we need to show the same for His people. Once you have accepted Christ in your life and His love in your heart, show the world. Shout it from the rooftops, “JESUS LOVES ME!” Let the world know, and then share what you’ve received. Please do not keep it a secret. There is plenty to go around.
Let Your Light Shine
You are so incredibly loved by the one true God. Hear it, know it, accept it, share it.
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Lovely post. We will feature your post on the next Blogger’s Pit Stop.
Thank you!