From Struggle To Strength

From Struggle to Strength

The Struggle

Have you ever had times in your life when you just felt like you could not get ahead? Lyme Disease provided this feeling all too often. I would start a new treatment and then feel worse before getting better. Other times I felt better and then catch the bug of the season and that would give Lyme just enough headway to knock me back for another six months. It got to the point I was afraid to hope for better because it would only lead to disappointment.

There have been other times financially where we felt we could not get ahead. We would get something paid off and then another medical bill would come in. Other times, you just feel like you’re in one of those dreams where you cannot get to where you’re trying to go. It’s so frustrating. But I bet we have all been in a place like this at some point or another.

Joseph’s Journey

The story of Joseph (beginning in Genesis 37) puts all of our stumbling blocks into perspective. Joseph is the favorite son of Jacob. Jacob gave special gifts and protected Joseph in ways he never did with the other sons. This caused jealousy amongst the brothers and they decide they want to sell him into slavery.

Joseph is thrown into a cistern only to be rescued and sold to the Ishmaelites. The Ishmaelites then sell him to Potiphar in Egypt. God intervenes and places Joseph in the best position possible. He is head of Potiphar’s household until Potiphar’s wife manipulates the situation and lands Joseph in prison (Genesis 39). He has to stay there around thirteen years.

I cannot imagine spending thirteen years in prison because of something I did not do. However, God was with Joseph and God blessed him. Blessings followed Joseph and those around him noticed. God gave him the gift of dreams and dream interpretation and God used these gifts to rescue Joseph from the dark dungeon he found himself in.

From Darkness To Light

From the darkness, God brought Joseph into the light. God gives Pharoah a dream, and it‘s remembered that Joseph can interpret dreams. Joseph is called up from the dungeon and not only did Joseph interpret Pharoah’s dream, but Pharoah puts him in charge of all of Egypt. Pharoah was the only one in a higher position.

No matter how far Joseph seemed to fall, God was there to pick him up and put him on solid ground. I love Psalm 40:2. From the NIV it says, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”

Wherever we may find ourselves, God can lift us out. Yes, God can pull us out of any place. Even those that feel we are beyond where even God can help. God loves us more than we can even fathom, and that love is unconditional. Meaning, no matter how far we feel we have gone, He still loves us. There is nothing He cannot rescue us from.

Joseph Never Doubts

Notice with me something I find fascinating in the Joseph story. We never read of Him doubting God. Nor do we read of Him complaining about his situation. I don’t know of anyone that would face these hardships and not doubt or complain. It’s human nature, but Joesph seemed to have a unique abounding faith that he knew he was where he was for a reason. God used everyone of those hard moments to prepare him for greater things.

From Struggle To Strength

Have you ever found that God used hard seasons to deepen your faith, to draw you closer, or to prepare you for the next season of your life? I have found that journaling through these hard moments has been helpful. Not only because it helps me to process what is going on, but because later I can see how God brought me out.

Then the next time I am struggling, I can read over the other times and remember how God has never failed me. I can see the many ways He has shown up in ways I could never have imagined. Most of all, it boosts my faith to stay stronger in the next difficult season.

I encourage you that whatever struggle you may find yourself in, remember God’s faithfulness. Keep the lines of communication open. Even when it’s hard, keep talking to God. It will draw you closer and, in turn, He will respond in ways you cannot even imagine.

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One Comment

  1. Joseph’s story is a wonderful one of perseverance and faith. So is your story, Jen. Thank you for sharing.

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