
Comfort. - Advent Post

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A New Pastor’s Wife

When I first married Sam, who was a pastor, I was new to all the “church” stuff. I had known of Jesus my whole life, but had just truly come to know Him a couple of months prior. I grew up in a family that pastors call the church CEOs. Those that attend on Christmas, Easter, and Other special occasions.

I went from college life to a pastor’s wife in the blink of an eye. Sam asked me to marry him on our fourth date and we married five months later. Yes, you read that correctly. Needless to say, I had no sense of what I was in for. Mostly, the church was wonderful to me. They extended a lot of grace and held my hand as I grew in my faith and in this new position.

There were a few in the congregation that were older and of a traditional church mindset. They had a very firm idea of what a pastor’s wife should be and no matter how hard I tried, I could never live up to their expectations. One woman started a campaign to take away all of my wedding gifts because I did not attend the service she attended.

A God Hug

One afternoon I was driving the forty-five minute stretch of Interstate-10 home when I began sobbing. The stress some of these ladies were putting on me was unbearable. I did not want to cause problems in the church or hurt Sam’s ministry, but nothing would appease them.

As I drove my in my red Pontiac, Firebird, the tears streamed down my face. I pleaded with God to fix this. To tell me what to do because I was at a loss. With both of my hands on the steering wheel, I felt the arms of my Savior surround me.

I had never experienced a hug from the almighty before, but there was nothing else this could be. This warm embrace enveloped me. It was the first time I had physically felt (and recognized) God’s comfort.

God’s Comfort

Before I started studying the Bible more, I really did not like the psalms. I did not understand them, and poetry was not my thing. Psalm 23 did nothing for me because I could only relate it to the death of a loved one. The more I have grown in my faith, and in life experiences, the more I have fallen in love with this beautiful psalm.

“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.”

Psalm 23:4 NLT


Shepherds would use the rod or staff to guide the sheep in the right direction or use it to defend them from an enemy. I see God doing this for us. He protects us when we are in vulnerable positions. He guides us along the right path. All while comforting us along the way. This verse came alive that day in my car and so many times since. I have felt His loving comfort and protection more times than I can count.

"God protects us when we are in vulnerable positions. He guides us along the right path. All while comforting us along the way." Click To Tweet

The Jewish people at the time of Jesus’s birth needed this same type of comfort and direction. As I said in the first advent post, this was a period of great turmoil. (Read that here.) They experienced anything but peace and they sought a mighty king to rescue them from those oppressing them.

As they awaited for the coming of the Messiah, they needed comfort. We too, need this comfort when we are in the midst of waiting. Waiting is rarely easy. It often comes with trials of its own. I know when waiting for my diagnosis of Lyme Disease I was in a constant state of fear of the unknown. What doctor would call and what devastating news would they tell me? But I knew God was with me and He would remain with me through whatever the outcome.

When We Wait

Waiting creates moments where we can connect with God and grow the most. When we actively wait, meaning we continue praying, we keep listening and we stay in His word; He reveals new things to us and teaches us more about Himself.

It was in the waiting to know what to do about the women in the church that I received the comforting hug from God.

It was in the waiting for a job that I saw God provide the exact amount of money we needed.

It was in the waiting to get to my mother-in-law’s funeral that saved my son’s life.

God is in the waiting, and it is often where the miracles take place.

God is in the waiting, and it is often where the miracles take place. Click To Tweet

As you wait for Christmas, for your family and friends to gather, is there something you are waiting for? How has God waited with you and provided comfort? If you need that comfort today, ask Him for one of His divine hugs. If you need prayer, never hesitate to ask. Use the contact page to email me.

Comfort - Isaiah 49:13

“Sing for joy, O heavens! Rejoice, O earth! Burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on them in their suffering.”

Isaiah 49:13 NLT

Elevated Faith - Bible Journaling

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  1. “God is in the waiting.” That is so comforting. I struggle through this season of grief and ask God, “How long will this anguish last?” Yet, as you described God’s hug when you were experiencing such sorry, I too, feel God’ comforting arms around me, telling me, “Just wait, I am here. All will be well.” Jen, I’m so sorry some of your church family were being so awful. It amazes me that those who profess to be Christians can be so cruel. But then I remember some terrible things I have done in the past (not being mean to our pastor’s wives, but still, unkind actions to others). We have all sinned and fallen short. We just must keep trying to do better and ask for God’s guidance. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and joyous Christmas.

  2. I’m sorry that women were unkind. It’s sad that people who call themselves Christians can be so unloving. It’s sad that we can be unloving. Merry Christmas. God bless!

  3. God is with us while we wait. We are not alone. And God’s timing is perfect because there are jewels of relationship with God that would never come if we instantly received everything we wanted. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. There is nothing like the embrace of God. It brings new meaning to the name “Comforter.” Thank you for reminding me of the value in waiting.

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