Embracing God’s Call: Mary’s Song and Our Response to God’s Promptings

Embracing God's Call

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Responding To God’s Promptings

I have shared many stories with you over the years about how God has prompted me to do things. For example, He will ask me to share a message with a stranger or make a video for social media. When He does this, my first reaction should be, “Wow Lord, thank you for choosing me to take part in this.” However, it usually looks more like, “Really God? That is so far out of my comfort zone.”

Mary’s Song

When I look back on it, God must think I am acting like a child because of my giving Him all the reasons I am not qualified to do what He has asked. A friend posted a challenge to read Luke over the month of December and when I began, in the first chapter, I came across Mary’s song, also known as the Magnificat. You can read it in Luke 1:46-55.

Mary had just received a visit from Gabriel, the angel. He shared with her she would give birth to the Messiah. She asked a few questions, pondered on it, and then responded with a beautiful song of praise.

Our Response Compared To Mary’s Response

It struck me how different this was to the ways most of us respond to God’s requests. Mary may not have known all that would happen to Jesus, but I bet she had a pretty good idea. She knew the culture in which Jesus was coming and that trials would not be far around the corner.

“Lord, I am so busy right now. Can we do this next month when I get finished with…”

“Lord, that is not my gift. You should find someone who is better at…”

“Lord, they will think I am crazy if I say that to them…”

“Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed” (Luke 1:46-47 NIV).

Embracing God’s Plans With Trust And Joy

Mary praises God for choosing her. Too often, we miss that the creator of the universe wants to not just do things for us, but He wants to partner with us. He invites us to be part of the story. God invites us to be the mouthpiece for Him to change someone’s eternity. He allows us to be His tangible hands and feet to hug someone that is hurting.

Mary continues this beautiful song with, “For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me.” She tells God of all the wonderful things He had done for her and praising Him for who He is. This is another picture that lines up with how Jesus taught us to pray, which begins with being in awe of who God is. You can read the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. We are not to do this because God needs reminding of what He has done for us, but so that we can remember all He has done for us.

Mary’s song continues for several more verses of her sharing more of what God has done for her and the people of Israel. She realizes she is part of the fulfillment of God’s great plan. We might not be giving birth to Jesus, but when God stirs our hearts to do something, it is still to fulfill a bigger purpose.

Wake Up The Saints

Usually, I stumble around a bit when God calls me to do something. Once I get past myself, I do it, and each time I realize what I would have missed out on if I had not stepped out in faith. Someone once said if you tell God no, He will find someone else and they will receive the blessing He intended for you.

This week I went to a prayer service. I love to make a joyful noise, but I cannot sing. My husband and children endure standing next to me at church. When the songs get slower, I find it hard to sing along, so I sit and feel the words of worship from those around me. As I quietly sat and prayed, the Lord said to me, “Wake up, the saints!”

Is The Church Asleep?

I have thought many times that the church in America is sound asleep. We have fallen into a state of comfort and we do not want to leave it. Many pastors are even afraid of preaching the depths of what God has put on their hearts for fear of being fired for making the people uncomfortable. My husband was asked to leave His position as pastor and one of the reasons was for preaching the gospel too much. They did not want to hear any more on revival.

Most of us don’t want to rock the boat and therefore we stand for nothing. We let the world know what we are against, but not what we are for. It’s time for us to wake up and respond to the call God has put on each of our lives. We have to stop making excuses and move in the power of God. Over the past few weeks, I have shared on the spiritual gifts mentioned in Romans. You can start reading them here. It is time for us to dust off these gifts and put them into action.

When God Moves

I don’t know for sure what waking the saints looks like, but I’m praying God will reveal that. However, when I read this scripture, it stirred in me to begin with this post. It’s time to rejoice and celebrate when God asks us to do something. We need to respond with thank you, God, for choosing me. Let’s do this.

When God moves us to do something, He will not leave us to do it on our own. He joins hands with us and gives us each step we need to take. When we say we are not qualified, we are trying to do it in our own strength. He wants us to move in His strength. When we do that, it is His name that is glorified.

Be Courageous

Is there something God has put on your heart to do that you have been putting off? Take that first step forward. Pray for God to remove your insecurities, to give you supernatural boldness, and to move you into being courageous with Him.

Need a boost of courage? This Write The Word Journal is full of scriptures to boost your confidence. Shop here.

The Power Of Testimony

I would love to hear from you moments where you have stepped out in faith. When we share these testimonies, we bolster our faith and those around us. So, please, share your stories in the comments. I cannot wait to hear them.

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One Comment

  1. It definitely takes courage to step out as a voice and action of witness for our Lord. Society is so critical of Christians and seems to take every opportunity to put us down and name-call in derogatory terms. But God’s Word reminds us that is when we need to be most brave and be His voice, hands, and feet on Earth. Our actions, words, and thoughts are important to further His Kingdom. Thanks for this encouragement, Jen, I need it.

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