Love, Healing, And Deliverance

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Lyme Disease Diagnosis

This week I rode in the truck alongside my daughter, and we talked about healing. As she drove, she reminded me we were approaching the five-year mark of my Lyme Disease diagnosis. I asked how she remembered that and she graciously reminded me that most of our life-changing events happen around her birthday.

Eight years ago, during her tenth birthday party, I got the phone call letting me know the blood work confirmed my son had Graves Disease. Five years ago, I had to miss her birthday to go meet my Lyme doctor for the first time. It was his only opening for months. Three years ago on her birthday we celebrated at the doctor’s office together for my PICC line to get removed. At least that was a celebration. Now we are once again going back to San Francisco the week of her birthday to start a new treatment.

The highs and lows of chronic illness are emotional and exhausting. For any of you that have experienced it or been the caregiver for someone, I am so sorry. There is nothing like it.

I Prayed Like Crazy

Five years ago, when I received my first diagnosis, it included Lyme Disease and Babesia. After the PICC line came out, I felt good for months. Then, the following June, Babesia raised its ugly head again. It was then that I prayed like crazy and had a miraculous experience. You can read about that here.

When I started feeling sick again this time, all I could think was God, you healed me of Babesia. Why is it back? Interestingly, I got blood work results back recently, and I tested positive for Lyme Disease and Bartonella, but negative for Babesia. I stared at that result and felt God say, “See? I’ve got this.”

He had healed me that night… of Babesia. Then my first thought was, but why not all three God? Why, after five years of pills, infusions, powders, and tinctures, are these nasty bacteria still floating around in my body? God, why do my joints need to hurt? Does my arm really have to twitch? Why do I struggle to breathe? Why? God. Why? What purpose does this serve?

But God…

This week in our “Reflecting The Son” series we read the last part of Isaiah. God came in, grabbed hold of me and gave me so much peace through His Word.

“But he was hurt because of us; he suffered so. Our wrongdoing wounded and crushed him. He endured the breaking that made us whole. The injuries he suffered became our healing.”

Isaiah 53:5 The Voice

I listened to Dr. Bill Creasy teach on the book of Isaiah and all that Jesus endured in chapter 53 because of our sins. Soldiers beat Him until He did not even look human. The soldiers could only hit thirty-nine times because forty would kill. I won’t share the rest of what he said because it is too hard and graphic to write, but two things went through my mind. Who am I to complain about my pain? And He endured all of that for my healing. If I don’t believe God has the power to heal and restore my body, then I am denying He did all of that for me.

If I don’t believe God has the power to heal and restore my body, then I am denying He did all of that for me on the cross. #healing #Jesusheals Share on X

I rejoice in my healing over Babesia and I rejoice in what He will do with Lyme Disease and Bartonella, and I will thank Him for anyway He shines in this situation.

No Weapon Used Against Us Will Prevail

As I kept reading, I came to Isaiah 54:17, which says no weapon used against us will prevail.

“‘No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,’ declares the Lord.”

Isaiah 54:17 NIV

I know there are many schools of thought on where disease comes from. Is it from God? Is it from the enemy? Does God allow it to happen? In my seeking, I have found peace in believing anything that destroys is from the enemy.

But… as we read in the book of Job, God said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job”? I have found comfort in knowing that nothing formed against me can prosper. God is in control and if God allowed it to happen, I am privileged to know that God’s promises to me are real and He can walk with me through such difficult things.

His Word Does Not Return Empty

Moving through the book of Isaiah, I had to pause in Isaiah 55.

“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:11 NIV

God’s Word is powerful. The New Living Translation says it goes out to bear fruit. As I read Scripture and pray it over myself, I know God is doing something. His Word does not get spoken and then falls flat. It goes forth and heals bodies, brings deliverance, restores families, and brings home prodigals. His word brings forth the miraculous.

Breaking Free

Then my final two stops in Isaiah we find in chapters 58 and 61.

“No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people.”

Isaiah 58:6 NLT

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.”

Isaiah 61:1 NLT

God did not create us for death. He created us to live forever. It was not until Eve ate from the tree that death entered the story. God did not create our bodies to endure illness. He did not create us to live in chains and bondage of sin. He created us to live freely in Him.

God did not create our bodies to endure illness. He did not create us to live in chains and bondage of sin. He created us to live freely in Him. #liveinfreedom #healing Share on X

Love Of Jesus

The final chapters in the book of Isaiah sum up the mission of my website to share stories of love, healing, and deliverance. God loves us so much that He went to the cross for my sins. The love of Jesus is beyond comprehension. He suffered beatings for my healing and death for my salvation. There is no greater love.


I thank Him daily for the healing work He will do in my body. It’s not done yet, but what He has done has been incredible.


Deliverance, to find healing from disease, freedom from sin and shame, and for the chains of our past to come falling off. God wants us to live in the way He created us, set free, whole and in fellowship with Him.

I invite you to listen…

As I wrote this post, I kept thinking of this beautiful song, “Be Still” written by 406 United. They are a group of writers, singers, and musicians from various churches around the valley that have come together to produce this album. Check out the outstanding drummer (my son). The lead singer, Anna, has the most beautiful spirit. Listen and let God move in your heart as you Be Still before Him.

Do you need healing?

I have put together a printable with scriptures about healing and how to pray them over yourself or someone else. You can get them here.

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  1. Terri Miller says:

    To continue to believe with childlike faith while accepting God’s sovereignty can be difficult. It helps me to remember that, in all things, God is good. That is his nature! I can trust Him completely.

    Powerful post, Jen. I join with you in praying for complete healing. God is good.

  2. Jen, such a powerful post. I’m so sorry for your pain. I understand how challenging it is to live with diseases. Multiple autoimmune diseases have plagued my body for years and it proves difficult to function and live the life I long for. But, like you, I am trusting God to give me the strength that I need daily and for His continued healing. Your post is encouraging and focuses on the promises of God- even when evil attempts to steal our joy. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I am sorry you have had struggles. Yes God will get us through and I pray you will experience His miraculous healing too.

  3. Katherine Pasour says:

    My husband had chronic Lyme Disease, but not to the extent you are suffering. Your message is one of faith and hope, even in the midst of a trial which would cause most of us to falter and fall. Thank you for sharing. Praying for you, my friend.

  4. Jennifer I enjoyed your post. It was a good reminder that even when it seems like things are not going the way we wish that we need to keep on trusting God and praying to him.

  5. Becky Morris says:

    Jennifer I’m so sorry you struggle with your health. You live in such a beautiful state that must help in bringing you some joy, not to mention your wonderful family. I enjoyed your devotional. Be Still and Know that I Am God helped me during a time of struggles. I would focus on that particular scripture a lot. I love the song Be Still! Beautiful. You take care.

    1. Thank you Becky. The beauty is a double edged sword. I can enjoy it, but also long to be in it. I love that scripture. So glad you liked the song.

  6. I rejoice with you for your healing and continue to pray for your other issues. God is good and healing is His will!

  7. CandyceCarden says:

    Thank you for such an inspirational post. I’m sorry for your suffering, and I, too, will pray for you. My daughter was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder her second year in college and it’s been tough for us but she has reached a semblance of peace. Thankful for the medicine that helps her manage it!

  8. Your story shows an amazing faith journey. Thank you, Jennifer, for the encouragement to full faith. God bless!

  9. Yvonne Morgan says:

    Wonderful message of hope.

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