Praying From Victory

Praying From Victory

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Feeling Defeated

So many times in life, I have felt defeated. In 2014, in a two-week time period, we were finishing our time at a church in Houston, Texas. Not knowing how long we would be between churches, we moved from our beautiful home into a small apartment. As we were packing, my son got sick and ended up in the hospital having a thyroid storm. And the day we got all the furniture moved, we found out my mother-in-law had passed away.

I remember sitting on my new balcony, hearing the sounds of Houston traffic and feeling defeated. My mind swirled at how any of this made sense. Why did all of this happen at once, and how should we best move forward?

But God…

What I could not see was that God was moving in ways we could never have imagined. At the apartment complex, we made friends with the staff, and my husband ended up doing one of the lady’s weddings. She became a tremendous support for me as I battled Lyme Disease and she fought Eye Cancer.

This is hard to say, but I truly believe my mother-in-law’s death saved my son’s life. After his stay in the hospital, the doctor did not know what had caused all the symptoms. He improved, and the doctor approved him to play football. Each time I picked him up from practice, he looked worse. When my mother-in-law passed away, we had to drop everything and travel to Wales for her funeral. By doing this, it kept my competitive and driven son from the football field. Once established with a pediatric endocrinologist, she said if he had continued playing, he would have died on the field.

Protecting And Providing

Even though my world felt like it was falling apart, God was protecting and providing. The one scripture God reminds me of each time I face these trials is Habakkuk 1:5.

Habakkuk 1:5 NLT

“Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.”

Habakkuk 1:5 NLT

It is hard to see the full picture when you are amid the battle, but hold on, God has a plan and you would not believe it if you were told.

God Has Already Won

The book of Revelation gives us a glimpse of the final victory. The battle of Armageddon is unique in that God has already won. It will be the shortest battle in history. Jesus won the battle when He shed His blood for each one of us on the cross. Because of His death, we walk in victory.

This morning I heard Sandy Krakowski say, “You need to pray from a place of victory and not for victory.” God has already beaten the enemy, so we can pray from that position. Instead of praying, “Lord, please make the enemy flee.” We should pray, “Thank you Lord that You have already overcome the enemy by the blood You shed on the cross. By the Name of Jesus, the enemy has no place here.” That slight change in wording is coming from a place of victory, not defeat.

Present In The Judgements

Every day we have to remember whose we are and that He already conquered everything. Revelation has shown me this time through, how present God is in the judgements. He does not leave us to fend for ourselves while throw burning rocks at us from Heaven. He judges the Earth, but repeatedly reminds us He is with us.

“This is the message from the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand, the one who walks among the seven gold lamp-stands.”

Revelation 2:1 NLT

The lamp-stands are the churches. He walks among the churches. He is with us in everything. Right now, we are facing another trial. The home we lease is being sold and we have to find a new place to live. Like most of the nation, property values have gone up and to find a place affordable is hard.

How I wish I could say every moment I stood in victory and said, “Thank you God, I know you have a plan and I trust you.” I believe that, but it does not mean I do not doubt. I have shed tears and wondered where we are to go, and have felt fear. But God, He reminds me again of Habakkuk 1:5. What I look at and see as an enormous mountain to climb, He sees as a bump in the road.

God Is Still Moving

Interestingly, though, God has shown up in other miraculous ways in the last month. I have not only experienced my healing that I shared two weeks ago, but I am watching two others in my family miraculously heal. It blows my mind to see what He is doing.

When I feel weak and vulnerable, I remind myself God is still moving. There is victory! He won the battle on my behalf and yours. I want to encourage you and myself, with whatever you are facing, that God will not leave you or forsake you. He walks with you, guides you and even holds your hand through the trials of life. Remember, you would not believe it if He told you what He had planned.

Rocky Mountain Social

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  1. I am rejoicing with you, and praying from a place of victory (love that so much!) over you, but the skipping got me right in the tear ducts. SKIPPING!!!

    1. Jennifer Knight says:

      Love you Liz. Thank you.

  2. I’m so thankful you shared this message of God’s goodness and glory. We sometimes forget that our Father is still the giver of miracles. It’s wonderful to see Him in action in your family’s lives. Answered prayers!

  3. Yvonne Morgan says:

    What an amazing testimony. We forgot that everything happens for a reason. I often wonder, when I turn on the wrong street by mistake, if God was guiding my way to protect me. So I try to say thankful for all the detours in life. Thanks for sharing Jennifer

  4. Jen, thanks for your vulnerability in sharing this post. It’s hard to remember when you’re in the depths that God is working for your good. We also need to remember that His idea of victory in a situation may look different from our idea. Thankfully, He’s so gracious to bring us gently along His path in life.

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