5 Ways To Share The Love Of Jesus
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Sometimes God speaks in mysterious ways and sometimes He may ask us to do something out of the ordinary. How far are we willing to go for Jesus? Here are 5 ways to share the love of Jesus.
I used to work as a 911 operator. We had a few callers that would call regularly. One such character would often call to let us know about the people in the trees that watched him. He struggled with paranoia. Often believing pharmaceutical companies were out to get him. This gentleman would have the officers lay on the floor of his living room with him to look in a specific direction to see the mysterious prowlers.
Every 911 operator and officer knew him and would respond to his calls by trying to calm him and assure him he was okay. One full moon, we were busy as usual and this individual did not let us down. He made his way around town, causing havoc in each location, but what was different about that day was that his brother got notified of his behavior and called to have us check on him.
While on the phone with the brother, he shared about our regular caller. I found out that he was once valedictorian and a top basketball player for a prestigious university in Texas. He graduated, went on to medical school and became a pharmacist, but got drawn into the lure of the drugs and they fried his brain.
This man, who seemed to be mentally unstable, full of paranoia, became ‘normal’ to me that day. I was upset with myself that I could not see him for who he was, but only by the strange persona he put off. I thought about all the other people I pass daily that I immediately judge by their behavior and forget that they have not always been like this.
Ezekiel was an amazing prophet that God had instructed to do some strange things. God had him restrained by ropes several times to show the captivity of Jerusalem. He did not let him cut his hair until a designated time and then burn it within a miniature model of Jerusalem to show the destruction. Ezekial put on what many would consider side shows in public settings to act out what God had instructed him to do. All to represent prophecies of God.
“And the word of the Lord came to me: ‘Son of man, eat your bread with quaking, and drink water with trembling and with anxiety. And say to the people of the land, Thus says the Lord God concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the land of Israel: They shall eat their bread with anxiety, and drink water in dismay. In this way her land will be stripped of all it contains, on account of the violence of all those who dwell in it. And the inhabited cities shall be laid waste, and the land shall become a desolation; and you shall know that I am the Lord.’”
Ezekiel 12:17-20 ESV
The passage above is just one of these examples that God had Ezekiel play out. Ezekiel was to quake while eating bread, and tremble while drinking water. When he did this and people asked what are you doing? God told Ezekiel to answer with this is how the people of Jerusalem will eat and drink when everything is stripped away.
As I have read through these bizarre stories, it made me think about how I would react if I saw Ezekiel acting out one of these prophetic shows. Would I pay attention or would I keep walking by? I hate to think I would be like everyone else and keep going. Even in this unusual behavior, God had a message He was trying to share.
The Great Commission
This made me think of the story I shared with my 911 caller. How many times have I kept walking when God was trying to show me something? Has there been someone I did not give the time of day that I should have shared His love with? How many messages have I missed by dismissing someone else?
These thoughts have bounced around in my head as I have read this peculiar way God used Ezekiel. Then I thought, would I be willing to look like a fool in the world’s eyes to share the message Jesus has called me to share?
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19 ESV
As believers in Christ, we are all called to share Jesus with others. So what does all of this look like? How can we be more in tune to see what God might share with us and be willing to follow what Matthew 28:19 says, also known as the great commission?
For both, the answer is prayer. Pray in everything. One of my favorite authors, Kim Meeder, always shares her mantra, “Pray, listen, do”. Start each day praying with how God would guide you, to make you attentive to seeing Him in everything, and to know who to speak to. Will you join me in praying these three things daily?
5 Ways To Share The Love Of Jesus
How can we be part of the great commission? How can we share the love of Jesus and make disciples of all nations?
Manna Bags
- Carry A Manna Bag – Manna bags, as I have heard them called, are bags full of necessities (toothpaste, toothbrush, new socks, comb, etc.) I especially needed this when we lived in bigger cities and the homeless population was huge. Someone would come to me and ask for money. I could share this bag with them or share a granola bar or something else they may need. Here in Montana where it is cold, I have known some people that go to Goodwill and buy good coats. They carry them in their car so if they see someone in need, they can share it. Pray and ask God how you can be prepared to share His love in this way.
Meet A Need
- Meet a Need – How can you meet someone’s need? Does someone have a financial need you can meet? Do you know someone who could use a bag of groceries dropped off on their doorstep? Or maybe someone might need a gas card to get to work. A book that really challenged me in this area was “Rees Howells Intercessor.” He suggests if you can meet someones need you do it and then pray for God to meet your needs.
Give A Hug
- This might seem unnecessary, but our Covid world has trained us to stay apart and many of us now, without thinking about it, still keep our distance. Many people have experienced loneliness like never before over these last two years and a simple hug could make all the difference.
- Smile – A smile can help someone feel noticed. The author, Kim Meeder, I mentioned above shares an incredible story of how feeling noticed saved a girl’s life.
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Spend Time Together
- Take Someone Out For Coffee – This seems like the answer for a lot of things. We like to get a coffee with our friends. Sometimes inviting someone new to coffee could open up doors for conversations you never thought were possible. Pray about who you could spend an hour with to chat, encourage, or disciple.
These are just a few ways we can put God’s love into action. Whether we agree with their personal decisions, extending a hand of love, grace and/or mercy just as God would do for us, we can hand to others. Who will God lead you to this week?
I would love for you to share ways you can share (or have shared) Jesus with others in the comments. I love seeing how God can use each of us in unique ways to share His love.
One way God used to use me was running. It is one reason I terribly miss running. When you train with someone for hours on end, you hear a lot of stories. God opened many doors for me to share His love with those I ran with. How can you take one of your loves and use it to build relationships with others that will inevitably lead to sharing the love of Christ?
Can I Pray For You?
Lord, I thank you over and over that you are amazing. You are the mighty hand that comes down and wants to wrap around us and love on us. I pray that each of us, in turn, could extend your hand or grace and mercy to those around us. And that through these undeserved gifts, you would ignite our hearts and theirs. I pray we do not miss the opportunities to see where you are speaking to us, and we do not miss the opportunity to share with others because of fear of looking silly. Give us the boldness of Ezekiel. To step out in faith no matter how we look in the culture’s eyes. I long to see your revival spread throughout our cities. Move through us and guide us. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.
Jen, your 911 experience truly exemplifies the power of a changed perception. I appreciate how the five ways to share the love of Jesus require us to be attentive and present not only to what the Lord is prompting but also to the people around us. I live in a subdivision with several aging neighbors. One way my kids and I have found we can extend the love of Jesus is by offering to weed gardens , pick up sticks that fall during storms, and dropping off simple bouquets of flowers cut from our own garden.
I love this Beth. That is a great way. Thank you for sharing.
I always think it’s interesting that Ezekiel never questioned God’s instructions about the weird things he was told to do. That doesn’t mean we’re to be weird just to be weird. As you say, we need to seek God’s leading and then be willing servants. You’ve given some excellent, practical examples of how to share the love of Jesus with others. Thank you.
I know. Nowhere does it say he questioned God. Nor his wife. When I got to the part where he was married I thought certainly she would have stopped him. I guess she was as in tune with God as he was.
I love your sage advice here. Well done. God bless.
Thank you Nancy
Your message reminds us to not judge others because we don’t know their story. But we forget sometimes, I think. Your strategies for showing love to others are great! We can put those into action. Thank you for this inspiring message.
I stand first in line for forgetting. I pray often for God to allow me to see each person as He sees them.
Thanks for reminding us to look at people we pass and see them through God’s eyes. We do get too busy sometimes and ignore what is right in front of us. My husband and I have filled up people’s cars with gas at stations on a lot of our trips. Somehow those people seem to be drawn to us and we are also able to have a conversation with them and give them books or other literature we have in our car.
I love that Barbara. Thank you for sharing.
I appreciate the practical suggestions you share here. It’s so easy to get busy with our own lives and miss the opportunities God would have us do. Thanks for the good reminder!
A 911 operator, I bet that could be rewarding. I loved your ways to share but especially appreciated the manna bag one. Thanks for sharing.